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Useful tips for good market research
Guidelines on how to conduct more effective market research, by Alan Todd.
Know exactly what it is you want to find out: Research projects that get done to collect specific information, work better than projects where there is vagueness about what information to gather, and what to do with it thereafter. A detailed written research brief focuses the minds of both the research user and the research agency, and exposes specific needs from the research.
Resist the urge to specify the research method in the brief: You may have an opinion about the best research methods for the job, and you are entitled to have them, but the research agency has vast experience at many types of research in many different markets, and is best placed to identify the best methods for any job. Let the agency recommend (and then substantiate) the best method to do the job.
Develop an instinct for when to use Qualitative and when to use Quantitative research: Many projects require the use of both qualitative and quantitative research.
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: Creative, right brain research, used for generating ideas, evolving/refining ideas, gathering the scope of thinking around a subject - SOFT FACTS. Used in projects like - identification of customer needs, generating marketing ideas, concept testing et al.
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: Rational, left brain research, used for measuring the magnitude of opinions and behaviours, evaluation of ideas - HARD STATISTICAL FACTS. Used in projects like product testing, pricing, brand positioning, profiling/segmenting customers, behaviour, needs ranking et al.
Go for a strategic alignment with a research agency: Good market research and marketing strategy are inextricably interlinked. Be careful about choosing a research agency that does work for the competition.
Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the project timeline: Most research projects take longer to complete than originally planned. Mainly this is because of an underestimation of the time taken in the design phase of the project. Expect project timings to be roughly split one third design, one third field, and one third production.
Get deeply involved in the design of discussion outlines and questionnaires: The objectives of the research must be at the heart of the questions asked in the questionnaire. Make sure that you can see quite clearly, exactly how the questions asked will achieve the project objectives. The key to good research design is excellent attention to detail.
Avoid respondent fatigue: The longer the questionnaire, the less well considered the responses from interviewees. There is trade off between the breadth and the quality of information gathered in any questionnaire. Respondents should never be interviewed for longer than 40 minutes without a break.
Watch out for poor field quality: Badly conducted interviews, non-qualifying respondents, and poorly completed questionnaires are just 3 things to look out for. Satisfy yourself that your research agency uses rigorous quality controls to ensure good field quality.
Get deeply involved in the specification of the analyses: There are so many ways in which to cross-tabulate and analyze market research data, that there must be an analysis plan. Convene an analysis review meeting with your research agency to get consensus about how best to analyze the data in order to achieve the project objectives.
Distill research findings into action points: Research that does not get put to good use represents wasted investment in information. Research is an aid to judgment and is an important component of the marketing planning process. Translate market research findings into an activity plan, then implement the activities in the plan.
Use market research projects as knowledge building blocks: If you plan market research carefully, it is possible to interlink projects so as to enable a composite view of market dynamics. Develop a market research plan that lets you build market knowledge in digestible chunks.
About Alan Todd
Alan Todd is Director at Bateleur Research Solutions. He may be contacted on Tel: (011) 326 2881.