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SAARF research contracts lengthened in bid to reduce costs
Piet Smit, SAARF technical director, said: "The SAARF Tender Committee has decided to extend the contract period for SAARF AMPS and for SAARF Products and Brands self-completion questionnaire, from the previously announced two-and-one-half years, to a full five years. This should make the contract more attractive financially to research houses and thus ensure lower research costs."
At the same time, SAARF said the RAMS tender remains set for a contract period of two-and-one-half years, but with the Foundation retaining the option of extending this also to five years to keep open the option of a possible switch to electronic measurement of radio audiences.
SAARF said the decision to re-open the tender was motivated largely by the need to hold research costs to the lowest and most efficient levels for the benefit of all stakeholders. The Foundation noted, "cost is critical", and would play a most important role in all decisions of the Tender Committee.
"Tenders will remain open until 16h00 on Friday 22 November 2002," concluded Smit. "We hope that all those who responded to the first tender invitation will resubmit their amended proposals in the light of this important change to the contract specification and we will naturally welcome any tenders that may be submitted."
Full details are available on the website www.saarf.co.za or from Piet Smit, at or 011-463 5340.