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Using the mobile phone as an advertising medium
Unlike our keys and other personal items, mobile phones are always on us and generally displayed prominently in full public view - while simply communicating or drinking a cup of coffee.
Historically, manufacturers have had all the marketing and branding control of their handsets. Network operators regained their footing since 2000 as the ownership of customer became key to them. Prominence has been given to network logos by including it on phone's casing - especially in Europe where Vodafone and other operators demand their logos on every phone they distribute.
So, if the cell phone network operators have realised the advertising and branding potential why have marketers ignored this new medium?
The obstacles preventing this are perhaps the same as those originally faced by the networks:
The sheer volume of mobile phones in the market place enable this unique medium to provide unprecedented advertising exposure. Unlike most conventional media, cellphones are in constant sight of existing and potential target markets.