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Top apps to help your business
Since businesspeople are on their mobiles all day, it would make sense that they make use of apps that can streamline their daily activities. What makes it more convenient is that the apps synchronise on all devices, so your data is available to you at all times, whether you are using your main device or not.
Here are some of the top applications you can download for your small business:
This handy app helps you manage your expenses by keeping track of your business spending and also your individual mileage if you are travelling. You can upload your receipts, file them according to trip, and submit the compiled expense list to your employer at the end of the month.
Similar apps: FreshBooks, WebExpenses, Xpenditure, Shoeboxed
Cloud storage is a necessity when you have a business, synchronising all your data across all devices. It is even more valuable when all your employees can access important documents on the network, allowing everyone to have what they need at their fingertips. OneDrive allows you to backup all your files to the cloud.
Similar apps: DropBox, SugarSync, iCloud, Box

Square and mobile payment apps
Mobile payment apps that allow businesses to accept credit card payments are taking the small business world by storm. They are not only simple to use, but have allowed businesses to take payments via credit card without an actual machine, opening up the possibilities for product distribution and payments.
Similar apps: PayAnywhere, Spark Pay, SnapScan, 3GDirectPay
Microsoft OneNote
Making notes is one thing an entrepreneur does best, but the problem is that they are often easily lost. Microsoft OneNote allows you to make notes, but also add web clippings, photographs, and to-do lists. You can also convert emails to notebooks and the app supports some other applications from third parties.
Similar apps: Simplenote, Google Keep, Evernote
Task collector, such as Producteev or Todoist
Many people swear by to-do lists to organise their days and thought patterns and there are many such applications available for mobile phones.
One such app is Todoist, which allows you to add tasks to several projects and every task can be assigned files, images, and notes. You can also stick deadlines onto certain tasks, repeat them according to your requirements, or simply list them so you don't forget.
Producteev is useful on a more collaborative basis, as not only can you create tasks but you can assign them to one or more individuals. You can also choose privacy settings and create subtasks. When purchasing the Premium version, you will also be able to turn Outlook emails into appointments on calendars and tasks that need to be completed.
Similar apps: Remember the Milk, Things, Wunderlist, Toodledo
Businessmen can work from anywhere in the world nowadays but important documents have a way of needing to be signed when some people are out of the country. This app invites those who need to sign the document through their email. Once they follow the link, they can add their signature digitally.
Similar apps: Adobe EchoSign, SkySignature, HelloSign, Cudasign?
This app allows your team to manage projects in a simple interface that links to all files relating to it, such as files, tasks, deadlines and more. A simple messenger is embedded in the app that allows conversations around the particular project to be linked to it and saved, while schedules are recorded and backups are made every day.?
Similar apps: Trello, Asana, Redmine, Wrike
Free Call and SMS Scheduler
Have calls and messages that need to be made and sent at particular times? Schedule them with this simple app that calls or messages according to your schedule. If you're caught at a strange time, you can postpone the call and if it failed the first time, the app continues trying.
Similar apps: Call Scheduler, Future Scheduler
Source: Biz4Afrika

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