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Africa Month Profile

#AfricaMonth [Behind the Selfie] with... Femi Oke

This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with technophile Femi Oke, host of The Stream on Al Jazeera English.
This selfie was captured by sitting in front of a TV camera and taking a picture of my image in the camera monitor. Not even Kim Kardashian has taken one of those!
This selfie was captured by sitting in front of a TV camera and taking a picture of my image in the camera monitor. Not even Kim Kardashian has taken one of those!

1. Where do you live, work and play?

Oke: I live in Washington DC, work in Washington DC and play four days a week on Al Jazeera English.

2. What's your claim to fame?

Oke: I once wrestled a crocodile in the mangrove swamps of Jamaica. Aside from that, viewers who follow the life and times of British-Nigerian journalists may know my work from my early days on British radio and television, the nine years I spent presenting with CNN from Atlanta, the five years I worked on public radio in New York and my current job – hosting The Stream on Al Jazeera English.

3. Describe your career so far?

Oke: I started reporting on London radio when I was 14 years old. I was that kid who knew exactly what they were going to do at a really early age. I would produce family newscasts at seven years old, presenting a bulletin every Friday night over rice, chicken, red spicy stew and peas. At university I worked for the BBC while I was studying for my English degree and the day after I graduated I joined BBC local radio. During the 1980s and 1990s I juggled reporting, presenting, researching and producing on radio and television in the United Kingdom. In 1999 I moved to the United States to join CNN and I’ve been an international broadcaster ever since.

4. Tell us a few of your favourite things.

Oke: Professionally, I love live television, passionate guests and those moments on television where I don’t have to say anything, the guests are talking comfortably with each other and I’m just enjoying listening to them. Personally, I love sitting in the cinema watching back-to-back movies for hours, spending time with my nephews and falling asleep at the end of yoga class.

5. What do you love about your industry?

Oke: There’s never a moment in my line of work when I’m not connected to the world. While most people just watch the news, I’m privy to what’s happening behind the scenes. I have an all-access pass to history as it’s unfolding.

6. What are a few pain points your industry can improve on?

Oke: Credibility is critical in journalism and being a news source that your audience trusts. Often when I’m covering issues on The Stream guests will criticise “The Media” for being biased, inciting the public and having questionable morals. Every time this happens, it makes it harder for good journalists to do their jobs.

7. Describe your average workday, if such a thing exists.

Oke: My day is packed, because I’m either preparing for a live show, doing the live show or getting ready for the next day’s show. The Stream covers so many international issues that I’m constantly reading or researching. Every day is like cramming for finals, taking the exam and then cramming again.

8. What are the tools of your trade?

Oke: I’m mostly on television these days, so I no longer carry around my radio tape recorder, headphones and laptop for editing. Al Jazeera’s Washington bureau has a striking dedicated studio for The Stream and a brilliant crew. On the set I use my laptop, two pens, a highlighter, some note paper and my brain.

9. Who is getting it right in your industry?

Oke: I admire the bold work of The Guardian and Channel 4 news. AJ Plus is daring, has attitude and I love the confident way the team has carved out a space in the digital arena. More generally, radio podcasts have revolutionised the way we listen to and value radio. One of my favourites is “The Moth”; I highly recommend it.

10. What are you working on right now?

Oke: Right now I’m working on getting out of the office before midnight every evening. Sometimes I make it, most nights I don’t.

11. Tell us some of the buzzwords floating around in your industry at the moment, and some of the catchphrases you utter yourself.

Oke: I use “engaging” and “engagement” a lot, which is basically my not-so-subtle code for “let’s not make this boring”.

12. Where and when do you have your best ideas?

Oke: I always have my best ideas at the very last minute, as I’m a horrible procrastinator.

13. What’s your secret talent/party trick?

Oke: If I told you my secret talent it would no longer be secret. As a journalist I have to protect my sources. Next question, please…

14. What would we find if we scrolled through your phone?

Oke: If you scrolled through my phone you wouldn’t get very far as it’s password protected.

15. Are you a technophile or a technophobe?

Oke: I’m definitely a technophile, but I’m so busy that I don’t have as much time to experiment with new technology as I’d like to. I think the secret to staying young and relevant is to lean into technology rather than away from it.

16. What advice would you give to newbies hoping to crack into the industry?

Oke: My advice to young journalists is ‘don’t let knock backs knock you back’. In my career to date I have been told that I wasn’t presenter material, I’ve been taken off the air, because I had a British accent and been turned down for hundreds of jobs. I’m now doing the best job of my life. If you use rejection as inspiration, it will take you a long way.

Read more about Oke by clicking here, and interact with her through her Twitter feed, Instagram account and on her website. You can also follow The Stream on Twitter and on their website – simply stream the show live on the website from Monday to Thursday at 19.30GMT and watch replays on Al Jazeera English at 4.30GMT, 8.30GMT and 14.30GMT from Tuesday to Friday.

*Interviewed by Leigh Andrews

About Leigh Andrews

Leigh Andrews AKA the #MilkshakeQueen, is former Editor-in-Chief: Marketing & Media at, with a passion for issues of diversity, inclusion and equality, and of course, gourmet food and drinks! She can be reached on Twitter at @Leigh_Andrews.
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