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Far too many South Africa CEO's just cannot seem to understand that the media is not there just to give them hard time, but if they play their cards right, they can take the high ground and not only ensure that they are never caught unawares but can take advantage of myriad low investment marketing opportunities.
And for those who have realised the importance of being available to the media, there seems to be some kind of tacit understanding among our captains of industry that when they are obliged to deal with the media, the best form of attack is defence.
One only needs to tune in to the average weekday business programme on radio to hear one chief executive after the other coming across as defensive, wary, monotonous and with complete lack of conviction. These are the people who have spent a lot of time and money on university degrees, MBA's leadership, management and heaven knows what else but who cannot seem to grasp that dealing with the media also requires proper training.
Of course, when I conduct training sessions with CEO's and top executives many argue that they have had their fingers burnt in the past by being far too candid and open during media interviews and that the less said the better.
But, that isn't really what happens at all. My research into the way in which business people react with the media simply tells me that problems have arisen because they act out of instinct and not experience.
That their overly cautious approach is based solely on not wanting to make complete asses of themselves.
Business people are not alone however. This strange affliction infects most human beings when they are faced with having to talk to an audience of more than one person. Ever noticed how ordinary people talking to an audience at a family function or on TV or radio, start using archaic words they never normally even dream of using in day to day conversation? Our apartheid politicians used to do it a lot by peppering their public pronouncements with "inter alias" at the drop of a hat.
The reason for this is quite simply because we human beings believe that we are born with a natural ability to communicate.
Which unfortunately we weren't. Animals communicate far better than human beings. Even amoeba communicate better than we do. We are nature's worst communicators. Which is why the average CEO believes that because he can wax lyrical in the boardroom or chairing a staff meeting, he is perfectly capable of talking to a radio or TV audience. But, listen to virtually CEO in those two situations and he comes across as a completely different person.
That eloquent and charismatic leader in the boardroom becomes a stumbling, unconvincing bumbler in a radio interview.
And the reason for this is simply because they are on unfamiliar turf. Human beings have never been much good dealing with the unknown and talking to a journalist in a studio or even at the end of a phone line, can be daunting and potentially very embarrassing. Or, so most CEO's think. So, they withdraw into a protective shell and make absolutely sure that they say as little as possible and choose their words painfully carefully.
And any natural ability to communicate is eroded by choosing words carefully. One does not come across as relaxed and confident but rather overly cautious and lacking credibility.
To make matters worse, there seems to be another firm belief that under no circumstances should any CEO ever admit to having made a mistake or for his company actually doing something wrong.
Which is really strange is this day and age, because the power of apology is enormous. Since 9/11 and the Worldcom and Enron scandals, the modern consumer has become desperate for someone to trust. As a result, growing numbers of corporate executives are realising that the wrong thing to do is never to admit that they or their companies are wrong because recent history has shown that absolutely no-one is perfect.
The power of apology reaps such high dividends nowadays that some companies are even apologising for mistakes they never made in the first place, because they realise how much consumer likes honesty.
But, most South Africa CEO's haven't yet given a thought to how to come across convincingly and honestly in interviews. They're still winging it and hoping for the best. It is quite remarkable when you think about the fact that most CEO's today have got where they are through learning lessons either formally or informally. From real universities and the university of life.
But, so many simply refuse to believe they can be taught anything about speaking with conviction to large audiences.
Mass communication is both art and science. Very few human beings have the natural ability. But, while they're happy to learn other skills, somehow learning to communicate properly seems to be tantamount to admitting some sort of physical or mental defect.

About Chris Moerdyk
Apart from being a corporate marketing analyst, advisor and media commentator, Chris Moerdyk is a former chairman of Bizcommunity. He was head of strategic planning and public affairs for BMW South Africa and spent 16 years in the creative and client service departments of ad agencies, ending up as resident director of Lindsay Smithers-FCB in KwaZulu-Natal. Email Chris on moc.liamg@ckydreom and follow him on Twitter at @chrismoerdyk.