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Marketing Opinion South Africa

The art of content marketing to your audience

There is this word 'content' that comes with many terms and conditions, yet it can be misused according to how people want to use it. I mention terms and conditions because at times, it can work against you, with you, or for you.
The art of content marketing to your audience
©Anna Bizon via 123RF

As someone in the digital space and someone who has a background in the writing space, not everything we write is the right content and not everything we think is content right for our audience.

We see content in social media, we see it in adverts and we see it in the digital ad space. In social media, it can be celebrated, liked, jerked or passed by an audience, and this could be a new way for the content marketer to either refine the direction of the content, introduce new things along with the content, or completely lose it.

What is content?

The first date

I view content not just as copy, but copy that will find its way into the hearts of your audience. It's like going on a date, you worry if the right words will come out of your mouth, and you worry if you are going to stutter or get it right and move with the flow.

And to the receiver, it's all about, "I wonder what he/she's going to feed me and they better be not like the last guy/girl I went on a date with." It all boils down to the right context, and the confidence about it. Even that can work for you, or against you. And when it works for you, you are guaranteed a second date.

The second date

Now that we have sealed the first date, you got her/him smiling, they can't wait to go home and tell their friends all about it. The food, the wine (if you may), and being smitten because of what they were hearing and re-reading the texts on your phone.

Imagine then how it should feel when you are a brand and they can't stop talking about you because of the good things you say to them - funny, wonderful, smart and all the right words.

The marriage phase

Make love to your audience and leave them wanting more, knocking on your door for your products and keep them in control sometimes. Other brands get it right, they drive their audiences, and they play with their audiences. Playing doesn't mean they are not serious about selling products, it simply means they do not take life too seriously and they can allow their audience to be in the driver's seat sometimes. Isn't it all about the power of retaining them?

Content and your audience are interrelated, they are in a relationship. There are good days, there are mundane days, and there are bad days. When bad days happen, it doesn't mean it's all over, they can turn their backs on you and wake up feeling happy to be with you the next morning.

Sometimes, when bad days happen, they can't wait to tell on you, but when good days happen, only a few get to hear about it. We see it on social media trends, when a brand doesn't get it right, the whole nation speaks about it, when it gets it right, only a few speak about it. When we play with the audience, they tag their followers to see what you just said and play with you.

In conclusion, content marketing is a sport, you win some, and you lose some. It is the audience on the sides that are looking to celebrate with you, or be disappointed by you as they cheer on.

About Cecilia Mohlala

Cecilia Mohlala is a practicing Social Media Community Manager and writer who started out as a journalist and columnist for a community newspaper for two years. She studied Digital Marketing through DigifyZA from Livity Africa. I love writing, content, and thinking. Since giving birth to Digital, I have the curiosity to feed it!
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