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Ending on a winning note
The magazine, synonymous with high quality journalism, secured the accolades for Specialist Journalist of the Year (Waldimar Pelser) and Photographer of the Year (Antonia Steyn's cover pic of Pieter Dirk Uys for the magazine's November 2006 issue). In addition, Yvonne Beyers was a runner-up in the Editor's Choice award.
Full list of winners are:
- Overall Winners
Journalist of the Year: Dana Snyman, Weg!
Photographer of the Year: Antonia Steyn, Insig
Best Magazine Concept: Huisgenoot, YOU, DRUM
Title Winners
Best Columnist: Dana Snyman, Weg!
Best Cover: Adrienne Posthumus, Saltwater Girl
Best Feature: Bruce Whitfield, Finweek
Best Photographer: Antonia Steyn, Insig
Best Specialist Journalist: Waldimar Pelser, Insig
Best Speciality Editor (At leisure, home, DIY): Albertus van Wyk, Weg!
Best Speciality Editor (F&B, Health & Wellness): Shannon Smith, Fairlady
Best Supplement: Zigi Ekron, Weg!Sleep
Best Visual Concept: Mbali Soga, True Love Babe
Editor's Choice: Sieraaj Ahmed, YOU
Innovation: Nick Said, Kick Off
Sales Winners
Sales Manager of the Year: Trevor Louw, Finweek
Sales Person of the Year: Annalize Rousseau, Family Magazines Division
The awards, hosted by CEO of Media24 Magazines, Patricia Scholtemeyer, were created to recognise and reward outstanding achievements in journalism and sales. The event was attended by some of South Africa's leading journalists, and business leaders from within the Media24 stable.
Now in its fifth year, the judging process is kept within Media24, meaning the 12 journalism and two sales winners have been chosen and applauded by their peers. The awards are semesterised, with each title running an in-house biannual competition. The nominees for the annual competition are then selected from the winners from both semesters. This round included April to September 2006 (first semester) and October 2006 to March 2007 (second semester).
Competition convenor, Lizette Rabe, and retired Media24 CEO, Salie de Swardt, formed part of the final judging process for the annual awards.
Celebrates milestone run
Launched in August 1987, Insig's final issue celebrates its milestone run with a special tribute to the past, present and future of Afrikaans journalism and culture.
The 176-page collector's issue will, among others, include letters from previous editors Piet Muller, Koos Human and Elmari Rautenbach; popular columnists Ware Kleure (Chris Chameleon) and Hier kom ‘n ding (Sonja Loots); a summary of Insig's 20 greatest featured artists; a 10-page book section and a tribute to the magazine's biggest advertisers down through the years
Sporting three different covers by well-known local artists Hanneke Benade, Anton Kannemeyer and Insig's previous art director Anton Sassenberg, the final issue also features contributions by 20 of South Africa's most legendary authors, including Diana Ferrus, Andre P Brink, Kirby van der Merwe and Toast Coetzer, with contributions from popular Insig personalities, Max du Preez, Nataniel, Karen Zoid and Kerneels Breytenbach.
Longer, in-depth articles include an exclusive interview with Jackie and Vera Nagtegaal, as well as profiles of top detective Piet Byleveld, South Africa's own Socrates, Johan Degenaar and the controversial journalist Elna Boesak.