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Loeries heading for Cape Town?
Today's lineup of fun things to do featured inter-agency beach volleyball and the SABC Inter-agency Battle of the Bands. The former didn't happen because the nets were stolen, and there was a short stint of touch rugby instead. The latter turned out to be a one-band performance.
Apart from starting late because the judges were missing in action, the only other band to participate, according to the MC, decided to drop out of the competition when they heard AAA School of Advertising band playing as they felt completely inadequate. Apparently, they drove down towards the beach, heard Mad Love playing and just kept on driving! So not much of a battle after all, making the judges' presence in the end completely unnecessary.
Anyway, Mad Love won a broken TV to throw out a hotel somewhere other than in Margate, free drinks and a meal courtesy of Johnny Rocket. The band had no choice but to do an encore performance to give the small crowd that gathered something to talk about.
So why does there appear to be a loss of interest from festival goers? Has Margate become boring and blasé and only for the young creatives interested in drinking and partying? Do the older, more senior, creatives and execs no longer come because the environment is not suitable for the presumably more dignified kind of networking they prefer?
Rumor has it that we could see a change of venue for Loeries 2009 or the year after. Keep an ear to the ground as it may be goodbye Margate and hello to a more southern venue in the future... There are whispers that Cape Town is in the running!
For more:
- Official Loeries website: www.theloerieawards.co.za
- Editorial: Agency pays tribute to VW marketer
- Editorial: Ogilvy - overall Loeries winner
- Editorial: Show a little respect!
- Editorial: What happens in Margate, shouldn't just stay in Margate
- Editor's column: [No Comment] Red streamers, white confetti - we got the Loeries covered!
- Editorial: Final Loeries agency ranking
- Editorial: Net#work BBDO, Gloo take first Loeries Digital Grand Prix
- Gallery: [Loeries] Sunday Loerie Awards 2008 ceremony
- Editorial: Net#work, Apple withdraw Loeries entries
- Editorial: Loeries heading for Cape Town?
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Try harder, Avis
- Gallery: [Loeries] Sunday at Loeries 2008
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Awards ceremonies: let's get the party started!
- Editorial: A sneak peek at the Velocity pool party
- Article: Saturday night Loeries winners
- Gallery: [Loeries] Saturday Loerie Awards Gold and Grand Prix Loerie winners
- Editorial: Glendinning scoops Marketing Leadership and Innovation Award
- Gallery: Entertainment at the Loeries 2008
- Editorial: Loeries introduces Creativity Points ranking
- Article: Fun in the sun at Loeries 2008
- Gallery: [Loeries] Loeries seaside fun and Velocity Films pool party
- Entertainment blog:Confetti crazy at Ma'Gate
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Make your mother proud
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Flocking to Margate

About Sindy Peters
Sindy Peters (@sindy_hullaba_lou) is a group editor at Bizcommunity.com on the Construction & Engineering, Energy & Mining, and Property portals. She can be reached at moc.ytinummoczib@ydnis.