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SAARF recommits to the industry
The South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF) has recommitted itself to meeting the media audience and product usage research needs of the marketing, media and advertising industries, in its revised Articles of Association, adopted this week by the SAARF Board.
"The original Articles were written back in the 70s, and were drawn up in a totally different world to today," says SAARF CEO, Dr Paul Haupt. "We therefore put together a Governance Task Team, and requested that it re-examine the Articles, and update them to suit current industry needs."
The newly adopted Articles re-commit SAARF to providing the tools for targeting and segmenting markets, through continuous media audience and product usage research, in line with stakeholders' needs, and within budget.
The industry body, as the custodian of the media audience and product usage currency, and as the clearinghouse for industry research, will also:
-- Keep track of local and international research developments, ensuring that new approaches are explored and developed.
-- Seek improved research methods, providing improved tools for targeting and segmentation of markets.
-- Arrange seminars and courses on aspects of advertising, media and market research.
-- Act as a mouthpiece of the industry on research matters.
-- Promote and maintain proper standards of media audience and product usage research.
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