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Social Media Fraud Risks - Insights in 140 characters (or less)

Identifying, Planning and Mitigating the Social Media Fraud Risks in an Organisation
Date and venue: 27 to 28 March 2013
Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa
Conference background:
One does NOT have to look further than your smartphone, tablet or any electronic media device/billboard to know that Social Media is the new 'subject, object and adjective of the century'.
If statistics are anything to go by...
- 91% of online adults use Social Media regularly
- There are more devices connected to the Internet than there are people on Earth (source: AllTwitter)
- 24% of people have missed witnessing important moments because they are too busy trying to
write about them on social networks - 24% of Americans and 28% of Brits have admitted to lying or exaggerating on a social network about
what they have done and/or who they have met - 40% of people spend more time socializing online than they do face-to-face (source: AllTwitter)
- Every minute of the day: 100,000 tweets are sent
- 684,478 pieces of content are shared on Facebook
- There are more than 2.27 billion people online (doubled since 2007)
- 53% of active adult social networkers follow a brand
- 80% of active internet users visit social networks and blogs (Source: AllTwitter)
- Almost eight new people come onto the internet every second
- Social Media use has increased 356% in the US since 2006
- there are 152 million blogs on the internet
- 9/10 mobile searches lead to action - over half lead to purchase (source: Hubspot)
... then we are but touching the tip of the iceberg in terms of Social Media impact.
With Social Media impact comes great opportunity for organisations, irrespective which side of the ethical and legal frontier you find yourself in - i.e. an equal opportunity for entrepreneurs and seasoned cyber criminals abounds alike.
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The power of social media is it forces necessary change.
- Erik Qualman
Social Media has brought a new era in mass communication and with it, created a conundrum on how to monitor and regulate its use.
Inasmuch as Social Media has improved social interaction dynamics, it has also attracted undesirable elements. Opportunists, dangerous criminals, organised crime syndicates, anti-social criminals and terror groups are now exploiting vulnerabilities of Social Media to plan and carry out anti-social criminal activities, organised looting and illegal protestations, human trafficking, rape, drug trafficking, paedophilia, hijacking, recruitment of terrorists and organised crime members, planning terror attacks, espionage, extortion; the list goes on! And scary to think that all these perpetrators now have a Social Media tool!
This threat is very real and has changed how we view information and technology as well as cyber security as we know it! Law enforcement and the legal justice system will increasingly have to navigate issues of monitoring, prevention and successful prosecution of crimes involving the use of Social Media. The same shifting paradigms are true for all organisations, irrespective of your size or the sector within which you work.
There is a serious need to understand current and impending Social Media threats and risks within the opportunity that Social Media brings and how to formulate approaches and strategies that can be applied 'as appropriate' by the various organisations - big or small.
There is no 'One size fits all' solution - But change does favour the prepared!
This conference is also designed to provide a multidisciplinary and interactive educational opportunity for those involved in Social Media practices at their organisation to understand the 'Fraudscape' within the Social Media arena, taking into consideration forensic considerations on the street, in the corporate setting and in the courtroom.
To begin with, the Internet has made it easier to perpetrate crimes by providing criminals an avenue for launching attacks with relative anonymity. Increased complexity of communication and networking infrastructure is making investigation of cybercrime challenging. Illegal activity is often buried in large volumes of data that needs to be sifted through in order to detect crime and collect evidence. Investigations are increasingly cross-border requiring coordinated police efforts in different jurisdictions.
This two day conference covers the Social Media 'Fraudscape', the investigation of Social Media related matters and how to Twitter-Up, Linked-Up, Blog-Up, etc and ensure you have a hashtag to manage your Social Media fraud risks.
The conference brings together practitioners and researchers from diverse fields providing opportunities for business and intellectual engagement among attendees.
Mzanzi Conferencing and Training is providing an opportunity that not only offers chances for critical crossindustry learning and valuable new business partnership and networking, but also high-quality training opportunities through expert presentations on Social Media Fraud Risks insights into the 'FraudScape' and some forensic techniques and methods, joining together key stakeholders from industry, academia and government in an effort to strengthen the need for effective forensic investigations.
Course objectives
- Understanding the world of Risk Management as it applies to Social Media
- How Social Media Corporate Governance plays an important role in an organisation
- What the Social Media Fraud Reality is out there - globally and locally
- Why it is important to identify the Social Media Fraud Categories and how to limit the exposure
- How to manage the Social Media Fraud Risks
- Developing a Social Media Fraud Prevention Plan
- What legislation plays a part in the control of Social Media fraud
- Insights and Pitfalls to know about Social Media Forensics
- Interactive sessions
- Practical application of subject matter under discussion
- Use of video-based material
- Social Media Abuse/Fraud Case studies
Who should attend
- Bloggers
- Tweeters
- Risk Managers
- Internal Auditors
- Brand Protectors
- Chief Information Officers
- Social Media Practitioners
- Fraud/Forensic Investigators and Practitioners
- All people who are involved in the upholding of integrity in their organisation
About your facilitators/Presenters
Mike Stopforth - Cerebra

Mike Stopforth is the founder and CEO of Cerebra, an integrated strategic communication agency that builds, engages and activates communities around brands. Cerebra's client list includes Vodacom, Nedbank, Toyota,
Lexus, Woolworths, Altech, Servest and more. He is a sought-after speaker on the subject of social media and marketing,
a technology commentator for popular business and marketing websites and regularly lectures at executive business schools. Mike also co-founded the 27dinner social networking movement and App Assassins development agency. He blogs at www.mikestopforth.com, and can be found on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Dr Carla Enslin - Vega School of Brand Leadership

Carla is one of the founding members of Vega School of Brand Leadership and heads Vega's national team of Navigators (lecturers) across 4 campuses. Vega's purpose is to graduate a new breed of brand innovators and creative
communicators. Carla publishes, presents, trains and consults on brand identity design, concept development and contact strategy. She focused her doctoral research on the potential of alternative points of brand contact
in breaking industry and category norms.
Lauren Hamilton - Chatterbox Digital

Lauren Hamilton is the Managing Director at Chatterbox Digital. Her passion for social media led her to start her own digital agency in 2009, where she lives and breathes social media everyday. Chatterbox Digital is a specialist agency, supplying social media and digital solutions for clients who are ready to join the online revolution. We see all
our clients as brothers-in-arms and so we build close, effective working relationships with them. The revolution is happening and you NEED to join the party.
Adv Thuli Madonsela - Public Protector (to still be confirmed)
Adv Thulisile (Thuli) Nomkhosi Madonsela was appointed by the President as South Africa's third Public Protector in October 2009 after being recommended by Parliament following a hundred percent vote in her favour by all parties represented in Parliament. A human rights and constitutional lawyer, equality expert and policy specialist with over two decades of post legal qualification experience, Advocate Madonsela holds a BA Law (UNISWA) and an LLB (Wits).
At the time of appointment as Public Protector, Adv Madonsela was the only Full-time Commissioner in the South African Law reform Commission where in addition to managing the Commission's entire programme, she also served as the Project leader for specific projects such as the Statutory Law Revision Project whose focus was constitutional alignment and updating the law; and the Commission's project on the Review of the interpretation Act.
A human rights and constitutional lawyer, equality expert and policy specialist with over two decades of post legal qualification experience, Advocate Madonsela holds a BA Law (UNISWA) and an LLB (Wits). Her postgraduate studies include partial LLM studies and legal courses mainly in the area of Equality, Constitutional Analysis, Administrative Justice, Legal Drafting and Public Administration.
She is also trained in Strategic Planning, Scenario Planning, Project Management and has participated in several Executive Management and Leadership courses, including Women's Leadership Development.
Terry Booysen - CGF Research Institute

In 2004, Terry co-founded CGF Research Institute ('CGF') where he is an Executive Director and majority shareholder. Through Terry's guidance and expertise, his company (CGF) specialises in researching and producing
monthly corporate governance reports -- and in collaboration with externally approved subject-matter experts -- has this intellectual property peer reviewed for the end user within companies locally and abroad.
Terry is an accredited speaker and regularly presents to business and government leadership through seminars or key-note addresses on GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) covering the Corporate, SME and Government sectors. He has published numerous GRC related articles, addresses CEO forums and regularly serves as a judge of national business awards. He has also appeared on a number of television and radio talk shows as a subject matter expert on corporate governance. Terry has chaired a number of GRC events, as well as also being appointed as a strategic partner to international events such as the ICGN 2007, World Climate Summit 2011 and the MDG Review 2012 Summit. Prior to CGF, Terry held senior managerial and executive positions in the banking industry over a period of circa 18 years, having also attained his MMP, AMP and EDP banking qualifications. He also served in an executive position at IBM SA covering thought leadership in the financial services sector, before entering the market as a free-lance consultant, specialising in smartcard banking, e-business and the corporate governance arenas.
Terry is a Non-Executive Director of the African Foundation, and also serves as an Honorary Patron of the Proudly South African ~ CGF School Governance Annual Awards. He is also a member of the Institute of Bankers Leselo Appeals Panel. Terry is an avid out-door enthusiast, is married with one minor child and in his spare time runs marathons, scrambles off-road and caravans with his family.
Mario Fazekas/Fraud Prevention Director - Exactech Fraud Solutions

Mario, a certified fraud examiner, has over 18 year's fraud prevention experience, six of which were at Ernst & Young forensics where he headed up fraud prevention and was responsible for fraud prevention in their largest global audit client. He joined Exactech in January 2008 to create the Exactech fraud prevention practice.
Jonathan Le Roux/Audit, Forensic and Risk Specialist - CQS Technology Holdings

Jonathan, a certified fraud examiner, has over 19 years risk management experience spread across internal auditing and fraud risk management to operational risk management. Jonathan spent over seven years of these at Old Mutual in the roles of Internal Auditor and Fraud Prevention Consultant and over three years at DirectAxis as Head: Operational Risk and Audit. The balance of time was spent in professional services firms of Ernst & Young Global Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services, Exactech Fraud Prevention Solutions and Crole Le Roux before joining CQS as Audit, Forensic and Risk Specialist in 2012.
Andre Naude/Cyber Forensic Manager - Exactech Fraud Solutions

Andre has extensive experience in IT Security and Digital Forensics Audits. He has previously worked as a Systems Administrator at GBI in London, Network administrator at Taboq Systems and as a forensic examiner at DRS.
He has spent much of his career consulting to both the public and private sector. In 2012 he joined Exactech as a Cyber Forensics Manager.
Jacques Van Rensburg/Senior Manager - Exactech Fraud Solutions

In 1987 Jacques joined the South African Police Service (SAPS), which he left in 2008 whilst holding the rank of Captain. During his time in the SAPS, he did uniform investigations and also served with the Crime Intelligence
Gathering unit. In 2002 he joined the Cyber Crime Unit Gauteng, where he served as an Acting Commander and Head of the Cyber Crimes Unit in Gauteng, Johannesburg. During this time, Jacques was involved in numerous criminal investigations ranging from multi-million rand fraud, computer security incidents to child abuse and child pornography. He started consulting in the private sector in 2008, where he was responsible for conducting computer forensic investigations as well as developing and presenting training courses in Computer Forensics. In 2012 he joined Exactech as a Senior Manager, responsible for the Computer Forensics business.
Course overview
Day - One
Wednesday, 27th March 2013
Theme: Understanding the Social Media 'FraudScape'
08:00 Coffee and registration
08:30 Chairman's introduction
08:45 Setting the current Social Media scene
09:45 Managing and Protecting your Brand
10:25 Social Media and Crime
10:50 Coffee break
11:10 Panel Discussion: The influence that Social Media has on Corporate Governance
11:45 What is the 'Insider Threat' and how to protect your Brand with A Social Media Policy
13:10 Lunch
14:10 Social Media Fraud Case Study 1: Facebook Fraternising
15:40 Coffee break
15:50 Social Media Fraud Case study 2: LinkedIn Loopholes
17:30 Close of Day One
Day Two
Thursday, 28th March 2013
Theme: Shielding up for Social Media Threats
08:00 Coffee
08:30 Chairman's re-opening - Recap of Day One and overview of Day Two
09:20 Social Media Fraud Case Study 3: MxIt Muddle
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 Social Media Fraud Case Study 4: YouTube Yaw
12:20 What Legislation plays a part in the control of Social Media fraud
13:00 Lunch
14:10 Insights and Pitfalls to know about Social Media Forensics
14:40 How to manage the Social Media Fraud Risks
15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Social Media and The Future
16:40 Social Media ConferenceWrap-Up,/font>
17:10 Close of Day Two