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DigiChat with Andrea: Starts this week

Referred to as the "Grande Dame of Digital Media" for good reason, Andrea Mitchell has been an active participant and driver of change, education and standardisation in Digital Marketing since 1997.
Andrea is well-reputed for her commitment to education and training to help address the shortage of skills in the industry, and has continually been involved in education in digital in various capacities both through the DMMA, AAA School of Advertising as well as independently. In the latter role, she has trained online media planners, strategists, account managers and sales reps. Andrea has also judged various online marketing initiatives and tackled many education initiatives and industry challenges.
The intention of this column is to:
Obtain opinions from industry leaders on pressing issues in digital media
Allow for, and encourage discussion and debate
Encourage learning and growth
Look out for the first edition of this exciting column. It will be launched this week - so keep an eye out for it.
If there are any burning topics that you feel need to be addressed, chat to Andrea.