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Sounds the call.

Bathong! Bliksem, what a time for gees. What a time for heritage!
Sounds the call.

South Africans and Sport

We’ve just come off the high of World Cup Netball in Cape Town and the amazing performance by the Proteas. Banyana Banyana truly led the national charge at the Women’s World Cup by advancing to the round of 16. Bok Friday is back as we anticipate the potential of being rugby World Champions in 2023 and we just beat Australia this weekend on the cricket field. All of these sporting moments, sound sweet, no matter your language!

12th Official Language

Speaking of language, it truly is a defining element in being South African and it binds us to our culture, geography and being... On a recent road trip to the Northern Cape, I was reminded of how important language is in society and how it contributes to our national tapestry. As an integration agency that understands the power of language and connection, it was particularly positive to be able to celebrate our twelfth official language which was enacted in July. South African Sign Language is an indigenous language that constitutes an important element of South African linguistic and cultural heritage. It has its own distinct grammatical structures and lexicon, and it is independent of any other language. Not only does the inclusion of Sign Language extend the dignity and belonging in society for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, it also expands our creative economy beyond emoticons!

We truly connect when we understand each other, and Heritage Month allows us to take a moment to consider and celebrate those around us and honour their heritage.

The MediaHeads 360 Tapestry

At MediaHeads 360 we’re wordsmiths and our weave of culture is beautiful. As part of honouring our own heritage, we asked some of our team to share what their language and culture mean to them.

Liaison kingpin and communication queen, Leah Mangoanatala, has spent time in Modimolle, Pretoria and Groberlersdal. She grew up speaking Sepedi and being immersed in what she describes as a colourful culture.

“Ke ikgantŠa ka polelo ya rena ya Sepedi ka ge e fapana le di polelo tse dingwe, gape ke ikgantŠa kasetxo sa rena sa sepedi. Ebile ke ikgantŠa ka setŠo sa rena sa Sepedi diaparo tsa rena di na lelethabo ka gare le mebala ya go fapafapana. Ke ikgantŠa gape ka mafelo a setŠo sa sepedi ka ge oka gona go bona dilo tsa go fapafapana la, mafelelo ke ikgantŠa ka di koŠa tŠa rena le ka dijo tŠasepedi kudu ka gore di na le fepo ye kgolo le mmele.”


I am proud of the Sepedi language, there are different varieties of the language and it is different toother languages. I’m also proud of the culture, as well as our traditional clothing, it embraces andexpresses happiness in the different colour palettes. I’m also proud of the different, beautiful location where the Sepedi language originated, which is in Limpopo. Lastly, I am proud of our Sepedimusic and the food, most importantly, because the food is nutritious for the brain and body.

Portia Motete is the newest recruit to our squadron. She’s passionate about local TV content, turns the volume up on Sjava songs and was raised in Pietermaritzburg. Portia is proudly Zulu.

“Ukuba ngu Mzulu kusho ukugqaja ngemvelaphi yami nangenkolelo yami njengomu Zuluekukhulumeni ulwimi lami lapho ama Nguni alu Lwela kangaka kukhombisa ukthyimfundiso zokhokho nokhokhokazi abasishiya nazo ziyaqhubeka futhy nalapho bekhonabayabungaza Kanye nathi bebona umageba uhlangene.”


Being a Zulu means embracing my heritage and my beliefs, where my Nguni culture is highlyrespected. It signifies that the teachings of our ancestors and the values they left behind continue to guide us. Even in the face of challenges, we proudly preserve our cultural heritage, and we also witness the passing down of wisdom to the next generation.

Raymond Mabusela is our Ben 10, is addicted to Durban Curry-flavoured noodles and loves urban street culture. His Tswana roots create a sense of identity for him.

“Go bua Setswana go raya gore ke na le setso, go raya gore ke karolo ya losika lo lo ntle la batho baba tlileng pele ka me, go raya gore ke na le maikutlo a go nna le ba bangwe le go itse gore ke mangmo botshelong ba me ba letsatsi le letsatsi.”


Speaking SeTswana means I am cultured, it means I’m part of a beautiful lineage of people who came before me. It means I have a sense of belonging and sense of identity in my daily life.

Braai, Cry. Love. Swear. Nothing is quite as expressive as swearing in Afrikaans but there’s more to the language than that for Nadia Levinson, Creative Controller and master of words. For Nadia, her language is her window to the world.

“Afrikaans is die venster waardeur ek my wêreld sien. Dit gee my ‘n unieke manier om mygedagtes, gevoelens en idees uit te druk. Ek glo dat elke taal vir mense ‘n spesiale betekenis het,en vir my het Afrikaans ‘n besondere krag om emosies en ervarings ryklik vas te vang. Ons braai,huil, voel diep en het lief in hierdie taal. Ek dink en tel (en as ek eerlik is, vloek!) in Afrikaans… Afrikaans is nie net ‘n taal nie, dis ‘n deel van my identiteit.

Nou práát ons!”


Afrikaans is the window through which I see my world. It gives me a unique way to express mythoughts, feelings and ideas. I’m sure that each language has a special meaning for people, and forme, Afrikaans has a special and powerful way to capture emotions and experience. We braai, cry,feel deeply and love in Afrikaans. I think and count (and, if I’m honest, swear!) in Afrikaans… Afrikaans isn’t just a language, it is part of who I am.

With his roots in Ndofaya, Meadowlands, Mavhuthu Dzege, Creative Captain, says Venda is far but being Venda makes it closer.

“U vha Muvenda zwi mpha khonadzeo dza u divha uri ndi nne nnyi na uri ndi bva ngaphi. Zwi mmpha vhudikukumisi ha u divha uri hayani hanga ndi ngafhi naho Venda hu kule hani. Afrika Tshipembe ndi hayani hanga ngauri luambo Lwanga lwa damuni ludivhea sa lunwe lwa nyambo dza tshiofisi, zwenezwe zwiita uri luvhe lunwe lwa nyambo dzothe dza lushaka. Ndaa!”


Being Venda gives me the opportunity to know who I am and where I come from. It gives me a sense of pride knowing where home is no matter how far Venda is. South Africa is my home because my mother tongue is acknowledged as one of the official languages that make up our diverse nation. Ndaa

Sounds the Call to Come Together Language sounds the call, ! ke e: /xarra //ke, let’s heed it this Heritage month.

About Candy Dempers

Candy Dempers has loved all things media for twenty-three years. A sales and marketing specialist, her first love was radio and bringing brands and platforms together.
MediaHeads 360
MediaHeads 360 delivers integrated, programming focused and strategic marketing campaigns which include television, radio, content marketing, activations, social media amplification and influencer marketing.
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