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FCB Cape Town is 'bevonk' at Pendorings 2005
Johannesburg-based Lobedu Leo Burnett and Daddy buy me a pony/9 November, also from Cape Town, each won three Pendorings as well as a Best Performing Artist award for voice work and design respectively.
However, it was a simple concept by copy writer Stefanus Nel who won himself and his agency, Lobedu Leo Burnett, the sought-after Pendoring Prestige Prize and kykNet overseas study bursary. Nel played on the sensitivity around name changes in South Africa to create awareness of his client, Coca Cola Twist's changing product names. It was a radio campaign which also won Fezile Mpela, Best Performing Artist for his voice work.
As usual, the radio entries were of a very high standard and always go down as a favourite with the audience because of their wit and humour. Television is another favourite and FCB Cape Town walked away with the Pendoring for its typically Afrikaans "Izzit" advertisement for client polka.co.za
Because of the difference in points between the winners and runners-up in the Above/through the line campaign category, the Radio category, Truly South African and the New Homegrown category, the judged decided to award a Silver Pendoring in each of these.
The Pendoring in the new Homegrown category, which is aimed at all indigenous languages In South Africa, went to Net#workBBDO for its radio advertisement "Vegemlitis" for client Chicken Licken. The judges were very impressed with the entries for this category this year and believe it bodes well for future development and growth.
Mariana O'Kelly and Carl Addy from Net#workBBDO were also presented with a Best Performing Artist award for their Art Direction in "Die revolusionêre skaap generasie", a campaign for RSG and the KKNK 2005.
Unfortunately, the entries this year in the Student Single and Student Website categories were very disappointing and the judges decided not to name any finalists in either of these categories. However, the Student Campaign category was very strong and produced two winners - one for Vega The Brand Communications School and the other for the University of Pretoria. The winners each won a bursary to the tune of R10 000 which is sponsored by ABSA.
The website entries in the New Media category were simply not up to standard. Cute copy is not enough, the judges felt, and therefore no finalists were nominated in both the New Media Advertising and Website categories.
A distinction was also made this year between Outdoor (billboards) and Posters (including moving media and street pole ads).
The complete list of winners is:
Title: Klipdrift KKNK
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Creative Director: Francois de Villiers
Copy Writer: Hanlie Kriel, André de Wet
Art Director: Anthony de Klerk, Declan Sharp, Paul Carstens
Advertiser: Distell
Product/service: Klipdrift
Production: FCB Cape Town
Title: Coke
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Creative Director: Francois de Villiers
Copy Writer: Hanlie Kriel
Art Director: Anthony de Klerk
Advertiser: Distell
Product/service: Klipdrift
Production: FCB Cape Town
Title: Mê
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Creative Director: Francois de Villiers
Copy Writer: Dylan Kidson, André de Wet, Hanlie Kriel
Art Director: Brenton Bubb
Advertiser: Media24
Product/service: Landbouweekblad
Production: FCB Cape Town
Title: Rooibank / Althea / Stephanie
Agency: Lobedu Leo Burnett
Creative Director: Vanessa Pearson
Copy Writer: Stefanus Nel
Art Director: -
Advertiser: Coca Cola Twist
Silver Pendoring
Title: Urina
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar
Copy Writer: Peet Pienaar
Art Director: -
Advertiser: KKNK
Product/service: Arts Festival
Production: B&S Studios
Title: Izzit
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Creative Director: Francois de Villiers
Copy Writer: Sasha Sanders, Schalk van der Merwe
Art Director: Schalk van der Merwe, Sasha Sanders
Advertiser: polka.co.za
Product/service: polka.co.za
Production: Plank
Two winners:
Title: London is FKAK, né?
Agency: Vega The Brand Communications School
Creative Director: Roela Hattingh, Hanneke Schutte
Copy Writer: Kylie Keevil, Natalie le Clézio
Art Director: Warren Howson
Advertiser: The Homecoming Revolution
Product/service: The Homecoming Revolution
Production: -
Title: Wangedrag
Agency: University of Pretoria
Creative Director: Lourina Botha, Marcelle du Plessis
Copy Writer: Lourina Botha, Marcelle du Plessis
Art Director: Lourina Botha, Marcelle du Plessis
Advertiser: Student project
Product/service: Self promotion
Production: Harold and Derek
Title: Naamverandering
Agency: Lobedu Leo Burnett
Creative Director: Vanessa Pearson
Copy Writer: Stefanus Nel
Art Director: -
Advertiser: Coca Cola Twist
Product/service: Twist Lemon, Twist Granadilla
Silver Pendoring:
Title: Kênste Kênstefees
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar, Heidi Chisholm
Copy Writer: -
Art Director: Peet Pienaar, Heidi Chisholm
Advertiser: KKNK
Product/service: Arts Festival
Production: B&S Studios, Big World Cinema
Title: Mê
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Creative Director: Francois de Villiers
Copy Writer: Dylan Kidson, André de Wet, Hanlie Kriel
Art Director: Brenton Bubb
Advertiser: Media24
Product/service: Landbouweekblad
Production: FCB Cape Town
Title: Afrika Storie
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar, Heidi Chisholm
Copy Writer:
Art Director: Peet Pienaar
Advertiser: Afro Magazine
Product/service: Magazine
Title: Rooibank / Althea / Buttercup / Pieter
Agency: Lobedu Leo Burnett
Creative Director: Vanessa Pearson
Copy Writer: Stefanus Nel
Art Director: -
Advertiser: Coca Cola Twist
Product/service: Twist lemon, Twist Granadilla
Production: Freq'ncy
Silver Pendoring:
Title: Clever City
Agency: Net#workBBDO
Creative Director: Julian Watt
Copy Writer: Gary du Toit
Art Director: Mariana O'Kelly
Advertiser: Cell C
Product/service: MMS
Production: Frieze Films
Title: Page3 Sindroom: Karavaan
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar, Heid Chisholm
Copy Writer: Peet Pienaar
Art Director: Peet Pienaar, Heid Chisholm
Advertiser: Die Son
Product/service: Tabloid
Title: Kênste Kénstefees
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar
Copy Writer: Peet Pienaar
Art Director: -
Advertiser: KKNK
Product/service: Arts festival
Production: -
Title: Vegemlitis
Agency: Net#workBBDO
Creative Director: Mike Schalit, Julian Watt
Copy Writer: Neo Mashigo
Art Director: -
Advertiser: Chicken Licken
Product/service: Brand
Production: Sonovision
Silver Pendoring:
Title: Afrika Storie
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar, Heidi Chisholm
Copy Writer: -
Art Director: Peet Pienaar
Advertiser: Afri Magazine
Product/service: Magazine
Production: -
Title: Izzit
Agency: FCB Cape Town
Creative Director: Francois de Villiers
Copy Writer: Sasha Sanders, Schalk van der Merwe
Art Director: Schalk van der Merwe, Sasha Sanders
Advertiser: polka.co.za
Product/service: polka.co.za
Production: Plank
Three winners
1. Fezile Mpela for Voice
Title: Naamverandering
Agency: Lobedu Leo Burnett
Creative Director: Vanessa Pearson
Copy Writer: Stefanus Nel
Advertiser: Coca Cola Twist
Product/service: Twist Lemon, Twist Granadilla
Production: Freq'ncy
2. Peet Pienaar for Design
Title: Afrika Storie
Agency: Daddy buy me a pony / 9 November
Creative Director: Peet Pienaar, Heidi Chisholm
Art Director: Peet Pienaar
Advertiser: Afri Magazine
Product/service: Magazine
3. Mariana O'Kelly and Carl Addy for Art Direction
Title: Die Revolusionêre skaap generasie
Agency: Net#workBBDO
Creative Director: Mike Schalit
Copy Writer: Mariana O'Kelly, Annette Nel
Advertiser: RSG
Product/service: KKNK 2005
Production: Beith Digital
Copy Writer Stefanus Nel
Title: Naamverandering
Agency: Lobedu Leo Burnett
Creative Director: Vanessa Pearson
Advertiser: Coca Cola Twist
Product/service: Twist Lemon, Twist Granadilla
Production: Freq'ncy