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Loeries Young Creatives choose One Show

The One Show appears to be the international advertising awards show of choice for the 2009 Loeries Young Creatives Award winners. Both Sanjiv Mistry of Ogilvy Cape Town and Net#work BBDO's Joanne van der Linde, also one of 50 ADC Young Gun 7 winners worldwide, have their sights set on New York.
An ecstatic Joanne van der Linder clutches her Loerie.
An ecstatic Joanne van der Linder clutches her Loerie.

Launched two years ago to recognise outstanding achievements by talented individuals under 27 at the beginning of their careers, the Loeries Young Creatives Award rewards consistent creative work done over three years.

Mistry's portfolio

Mistry's portfolio included the Loeries Grand Prix-winning Design Indaba integrated campaign from 2007, a few pieces that got into the D&AD Annual, as well as the current Golf 6 TV commercial, "Lucky", which won Gold at this year's Loeries.

"Overnight, you go from being someone who nobody's ever heard of to someone whose name kind of rings a bell,” said Mistry, a copy writer at Ogilvy and July 2009 YoungGun of the Month along with colleague Prabashan Pather.

"Career-wise, that really, really helps. Also, the all-expenses-paid trip to an international award show remains, hands-down, the best prize in South African advertising. In my case it definitely serves as a huge incentive for me to constantly try to improve my portfolio of work."

Van der Linder's work

The Chicken Licken - Chilly the melted Snowman boy TV commercial, Ghost Pops - Lenticular posters, as well as the Cell C- Eco Diary, were the clinchers in Van der Linde's portfolio of work.

For Van der Linde, winning is a dream come true and just reward for the long and lonely hours spent at the agency.

"I remember thinking - when I was still a 'noob' in the industry - 'Wow! I wanna be a young creative one day.' It has taken me so many years to get here, so slaving my arse off for little or no recognition really has paid off."

Hat trick

For three consecutive years Net#work BBDO's fledgling creatives have walked onto the Loerie stage and walked off clutching The Young Creative Award. This year, it was Van der Linde; last year, Darren Cronje (art director) and in 2007, it was a double act when art director Reggie Makhetha and copywriter Este du Plessis won it.

According to Net#work BBDO executive creative director Rob McLennan, “Authentic creative talent is the most sought-after currency for any advertising agency. Therefore astute ‘hiring' and dedicated ‘mentoring' are two very important areas of our business. We don't always get it right, but being able to recognise raw talent is the first step and the next is to make sure we nurture it.”

Van der Linde agrees, “It's the ‘sure no problem' attitude from all the senior creatives that provides such an atmosphere of learning. I know its clichéd, but there really is an open door policy to us juniors. I can walk into the creative ‘top dog's [McLennan] office at anytime and know I will get a dose of his creative wisdom and guidance.”


Another draw-card is group creative officer Mike Schalit, renowned over the years for his dedication to mentoring young talent. Many a creative director in agencies across SA has proudly put his name on their CV.

“We thrive on nurturing young talent,” says Schalit. “And we are fortunate to get an inordinate share of what South Africa has to offer.”

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