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Level three BEE contributor status
Each level of compliance has a BEE Recognition associated with it which can be used by clients when calculating their procurement spend. Level 3 has 110% recognition, therefore each Rand spent by Milpark clients on services will be recognised at 110% for their B-BBEE procurement analysis.
Ratings are done on the following components as per the Broad Based Economic Empowerment Strategy and the codes of Good Practice on Broad Based Economic Empowerment:
Direct Empowerment
- Ownership: flow of economic interest and exercisable voting rights
- Management and control: Black persons in executive management and/or executive board and board committees and Human Resources Development
- Employment Equity: weighted employment equity analysis
- Skills Development: expenditure as a proportion of total amount paid as SDL
Indirect Empowerment
- Preferential Procurement: weighted preferential procurement spend
- Enterprise Development: cumulative recoverable and non-recoverable contributions to Enterprise Development over previous five years
- Social-Economic Development: cumulative non-recoverable contributions to qualifying Corporate Social Investment and Industry Specific Initiatives over previous five years
Milpark Business School is recognised as a Value Adding Company with 20% black ownership.
The shareholders appreciate the important role Milpark Business School has to play in private higher education and celebrate the new level three compliance rating.
Milpark Business School
Milpark Business School is an independent, private, registered provider of Higher Education (HE) and Further Education and Training (FET) qualifications. The qualifications offered focus on the niche areas of management and leadership, banking and financial planning, and insurance. Milpark has two campuses in Johannesburg and Cape Town and an office in Durban. Milpark Business School (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 2004/026244/07. Registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) as an HE Institution (No 2007/HE07/003). Provisional registration with the DHET as an FET provider (No 2009/FE07/058) valid until 31 December 2015, under the Further Education and Training Act.Milpark Business School is rated as a level three contributor with 110% recognition, and 20% black shareholding. Visit www.milpark.ac.za for information about Milpark Business School, its courses and qualifications.
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