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E-Consulting for Editors shows how to integrate newsrooms
According to WEF, this “cost-effective” series of online, on-demand presentations is designed to help editors to integrate their newsrooms, while saving them time and money.
There are four sessions available. Each one distills industry trends and best practices into a 30-minute "e-consulting" session that includes:
- short and focused video interviews with top editors.
- automated Powerpoint presentations on the essentials of newsroom integration.
- definitions of key concepts to help editors communicate integration to their staff.
- a self-evaluation to situate newsrooms on the integration scale.
- a set of precise recommendations from the director of WEF.
In addition, an online resource library of longer video interviews accompanies each session.
One price, based on the size of the newsroom, provides online, on-demand access to E-Consulting for Editors. For more information, go to www.wan-press.org/econsulting/programme. For directions on how to purchase the four sessions already available, go to www.wan-press.org/econsulting/register. To register for a free demonstration sample, go to www.wan-press.org/econsulting/registerfree.