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Creative writing workshop in Cape Town

It offers writers a unique opportunity to find their purpose in writing and to explore the endless possibilities they have to tell their story and express themselves creatively. It is ideal for anyone who needs a jump-start to take that step forward in writing creatively. It explores the writing process and deconstructs writing fiction, non-fiction and journalism.
It is ideal for first-time writers who would like to define their writing skills, and recommended for seasoned writers who are trapped in the web of re-writes and unfinished projects, or lost in the maze of the daunting writing process.
Daniel Dercksen is the driving force behind the successful independent training initiative The Writing Studio. He is a published film and theatre journalist for 30 years and has been teaching workshops in creative writing, playwriting and screenwriting throughout South Africa the past 19 years. For more information, go to www.writingstudio.co.za or send an email to az.oc.oidutsgnitirw@ofni.