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Taking schoolwork to the movies
As part of its commitment to contribute to education and training, TDS Directory Operations, South Africa's provider of telephone directory services and products, is contributing in an innovative way to the alleviation of our country's shortage of skills based on mathematics and science, by holding revision sessions in these subjects in cinemas nationwide.
The company conceptualised the idea of packaging the teachings of Maths and Science sessions into pre-recorded presentations that are flighted at the same time at national cinemas to assist with revision. “We used some of our country's finest maths and science teachers to review key aspects of the Grade 12 syllabus in a manner that captures the attention of the audience,” says Puleng Sejanamane, executive GM: strategy and corporate marketing services of TDS.
Since the launch of the TDS Matric Revision in May 2007, to date TDS, in conjunction with Prime Stars, a division of Primedia, has invited Grade 12 learners from more than 80 schools in Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Free State and KwaZulu-Natal to attend the screening of the review programmes at selected Ster-Kinekor theatres. “We are targeting learners who want to improve their marks by giving them that little extra support,” said Sejanamane..
The revision programmes consist of five modules of each subject. These are screened at 08:00 on Sunday mornings at Ster-Kinekor theatres in Brooklyn Mall in Pretoria; Cresta, Randburg; Rosebank Nouveau, Johannesburg; Sandton; Eastgate, Westgate and Southgate in Johannesburg; and in the Cape at Capegate, the V & A Nouveau cinema and Cavendish Nouveau; with Musgrave and Gateway in Durban; Mimosa in Bloemfontein; and The Bridge in Port Elizabeth, all participating. Each module is supported by a hard copy booklet which learners can use for notes and self-study.
The mathematics revision programme is in its fourth week of screening and the science programme will commence after the fifth maths session. A repeat of the first Math session will be broadcast on 19 August 2007.