Scramble for Independent
NEWSWATCH: A number of companies and consortiums are scrambling to buy Independent News & Media SA, reports Business Day, which also reports that ICASA wants the State Security Agency to investigate an alleged leak of confidential information.
For more:
- Business Day: Scramble for Independent... It seems some of the bidders are claiming to have the support of the ANC. The current owners, Dublin-based Independent News & Media, is faced with paying a corporate bond of R4.2bn by 2014, and is expected to issue a statement soon about talks with potential bidders.
- Business Day: Icasa asked state security to probe leak... Councillor William Stucke might be suspended if it is found that allegations against him are true. It is alleged that he leaked findings and recommendations made by Icasa's complaints and compliance committee on a matter between Telkom and Neotel to an industry body to the industry.