#FairnessFirst: Stepping up to keep SA's females safe
Gender equality is a powerful cause and one brave brands have already taken on, spurring a rise in cause-related marketing locally.
But say the current trending hashtags with me: #MakeitSafe #Enoughisenough #AmINext #JusticeForNene #iamNOTtnext #WomenDontOweYouShit #StopKillingUs #FemicideinSA.
And while much of the country has been wearing black to demonstrate mourning, we’ve also raised our voices – with numerous protests already held to demonstrate we’re willing to fight back for our safety.
The protest held outside parliament in the Cape Town CBD on Thursday, 5 September was particularly well attended – with South African president Cyril Ramaphosa finally making an appearance.
But the likes of GoodThingsGuy, Matthew Savides, and The Kiffness beat him to it in making their voices heard earlier in the week – making a case for using their platforms and followings for good and sharing how males in the country can help the cause, respectively.
The male voice, in support of females
Good Things Guy’s Brent Lindeque wrote that they were taking the platform offline for 48 hours to stand with females affected by violence in the country, spurring supporters to sign a petition demanding action from the powers that be, and things snowballed from there.
This is more than just armchair activism, ‘clicktivism’ or ‘slacktivism’, where keyboard warriors are accused of signing petitions online and not taking any real action beyond that.
Because while The Guardian reports that social media activism in particular is a weak form of effecting change, Everyday Feminism points out that “talking about a social issue online does at least do the job of spreading awareness, building community around a topic and educating those who may have the wool firmly tied around their eyes about the real world. “
This has certainly been the case locally.
Taking the online offline with #Comein
Good Things Guy also shared the news that restaurants across the country are welcoming anyone who feels unsafe on the streets to wait indoors with them.
The Mankind Project is also calling for mass action and participation by men in solidarity with the women of South Africa, taking place around the country on Monday, 9 September at 9am.
Click here for more info on the event and get ready for the #RealMenStandUp and #AreYouManEnough hashtags to trend.
Small and perhaps slow steps, but effective in spreading a sense that we’re not alone – that we’re all afraid but ready to stand together to make a change for the better. Let’s keep sharing and raising awareness of the need for change!
See more of the social media images and posts making an impact below.

About Leigh Andrews
Leigh Andrews AKA the #MilkshakeQueen, is former Editor-in-Chief: Marketing & Media at Bizcommunity.com, with a passion for issues of inclusion, belonging, and of course, gourmet food and drinks! Now follow her travel adventures on YouTube @MidlifeMeander.Related
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