#FairnessFirst: All you need to know to #unstereotype advertising

The topic of unsterotyping advertising and using lazy gender troped keeps popping up where creativity is celebrated, but it's sadly not mainstream just yet. Perhaps the fact that the Unsterotype Alliance has finally joined Twitter will sway the movement over social media.
Global brand Unilever popularised the hashtag in 2016 and it was the focus of a special report during the 2017 Cannes Lions, where the yellow ‘Unsterotype Alliance flag flew high, with AdAge reporting that, “The UN believes ads can turn the tide in long-losing war for gender equality.”
UN Believes Advertisers Can Bring Gender Equality https://t.co/AqZsACy3vh
— Pelle Sjoenell (@pellesjoenell) June 24, 2017
AdAge explained that the UN Women was effectively convening a ‘Security Council of the ad industry’, when the Unstereotype Alliance programme kicked off in Cannes, with the idea that advertising can “do what more than two decades of UN proclamations, local laws and good intentions haven't -- spur real progress on gender issues.” SA’s own Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, executive director of UN Women, added:
No country in the world has achieved gender equality, even though we have big initiatives and laws passed… Changing laws didn't do much to change cultural norms. Advertising has skill in behaviour change.With support from other global brands, including Procter & Gamble, Mars, Diageo, Johnson & Johnson and Mattel, Aline Santos, senior VP marketing at Unilever, said at the time that having “left all Axe's lad humour behind,” they’ve since found that ads without stereotypes have considerably better results.
A big, brave, progressive play from Unilever. Will it still sell deodorant? I hope so. Time will tell #UNSTEROTYPE https://t.co/qYVq1EcfAd
— emmetohanlon (@emmetohanlon) August 3, 2016
Fascinating talk by Debra Mallowah on gender stereotyping in ads and films. #Unsterotype #loeries2016 pic.twitter.com/6GNDsKxD6W
— #GoliathX2018 (@DonovanGoliath) August 19, 2016
Editor Lauren Hartzenberg reported at the time:
[Mallowah's] assertion was that advertising is the business of shaping perceptions, so when advertisers perpetuate gender stereotypes, they’re holding society back.And the message didn’t end there.
#Unstereotype the workplace, unstereotype ads
Unilever remains one of the most vocal brands on the topic, having gone on to urge world leaders to unstereotype the workplace and recognise that “stereotypes, social norms and unconscious bias are contributing to the ever-widening gender gap,” following their commissioned research into the importance of ‘The Unstereotyped Mindset’.
Obsessed with #unsterotype and wish more of the industry would follow - thank you @keithweed and @unilever #mumstock17 ����������
— AvraInLondon (@AvraInLondon) April 26, 2017
Speaking of #unconsciousbias #genderbias #stereotypes pic.twitter.com/MSg1fgf5g5
— Unstereotype Alliance (@un_stereotype) June 5, 2018
"Our industry needs to be brave enough to depict society in a realistic way rather than reinforce potentially harmful stereotypes." ⁓WFA President @dwheld | Download our guide to progressive gender portrayals in advertising: https://t.co/X8ETrxbfND #Unstereotype pic.twitter.com/Ykwax0pVXU
— WFA (@wfamarketers) June 6, 2018
Unilever's chief marketing and communications officer Keith Weed commented on the launch of the WFA’s guide:
We’ve started to see real progress,s but it doesn’t yet go far enough or wide enough. Our job won’t be done as long as ads still diminish or limit the role of women and men in society.Mlambo-Ngcuka, adds:
We know that harmful stereotypes of both women and men have a deep impact on how we see and treat each other. Intentionally changing those images has huge potential to positively transform our culture and bring us closer to true, inclusive equality… This change will help us to collectively realise the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals – to leave no one behind.And yes, this is only this first step…
Click here to download the WFA launches Guide to Progressive Gender Portrayals in Advertising."Addressing gender stereotypes is only the first step..." WFA CEO @Stephan_Lo makes the case for unstereotyping ads: https://t.co/YWuhGMhivI #Unstereotype pic.twitter.com/boYsr3vElw
— WFA (@wfamarketers) June 7, 2018
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