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A new face for TV licenses
Mike Rubenstein, SABC's Audience Services Marketing Manager, says: "SABC TV Licences has been re-positioned strategically to promote licence holders as morally responsible public and corporate citizens of South Africa, who are fulfilling their legal and moral obligations.
"This has been achieved by instituting mechanisms to assist and encourage licence holders to comply. We're now intent on highlighting the role of TV licence fees in enabling the SABC to fulfil its public broadcasting mandate - primarily by providing the funds required to broadcast content that entertains, informs, educates and enriches all South Africans."
The latter has been encapsulated in a new positioning statement, which confirms the relationship between TV licences and the public broadcast service via the phrase, 'Your TV licence fee makes public broadcasting possible'.
It is also reflected in the iconography, through the use of symbols in the graphic design of the logo. The existing pay-off line 'Pay yours. It's the right thing to do', has been retained.
"The payment of TV licences is a legal obligation and compliance is therefore indicative of good citizenship. We will therefore continue to emphasise the legal aspects of TV licences by encouraging households, retailers and businesses to comply with the legislation. The new positioning statement aims to enhance this value proposition by highlighting the fact that TV licences provide a platform for contributing to the growth and development of South Africa and her people, by enabling the SABC to fulfil its public broadcasting mandate."
The new look and feel was launched on SABC television in August 2005 via three new television commercials, which will continue to promote the current positioning and philosophy of SABC TV Licences over time.
"The message in the commercials is that your TV licence fee makes public broadcasting possible, which in turn allows life-changing events to happen to ordinary people."