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DStv cleans up in New York at Promax

It seems like yesterday when DStv went on air for the first time and 10 years down the line, to share the stage with the likes of Disney, HBO and Warner Brothers is a phenomenal achievement. Graham Pfuhl, DStv's Marketing & Sales Director congratulated his team and the production house Studio Zoo on achieving such a mammoth task, he said, "there is no better benchmarking than against one's peers and as we celebrate our 10th birthday this year, accolades such as the Promax & BDA Awards are a strong indication that we are on the right course."
Thirty seconds in a promo is all it takes to engage the DStv subscriber in an informative yet witty manner. Koo Govender, DStv's Creative Services Manager said, "promos play an important role as they enhance desirability of the brand. The challenge is to engage our subscribers in a creative and emotive way but also enable them to derive maximum benefit from their DStv experience. Being awarded 12 Promax Awards is absolutely fantastic."
With 10 years almost in the bag, DStv subscribers can look forward to another thrilling decade of world-class entertainment.
DStv's awards were in the following categories:
2005 Promax World Gold Awards:
2005 BDA World Gold Awards:
Promax & BDA is a global, non-profit association dedicated to advancing the role and effectiveness of promotion, marketing and broadcast design professionals in the electronic media. Promax Awards are recognised around the world as being the highest accolade for creative professionals within the industry/ television promotion and marketing professionals.