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Feb RAMS show radio audiences remain unmoved
While weekly listening levels remain static over the previous period, seven-day listening for RAMS February 2007 is significantly higher than the year previous. Past seven day (p7d) listening, which fell off in the Reef, stands at 92.6%, up a mere 0.1 of a percentage point over RAMS November 2007.
Average Monday to Friday listenership, which sees more coloured listeners tuning in, but fewer listeners on the Reef, is up slightly to 79.0% (from 78.7%). Saturday listening is up slightly to 74.8%, while Sunday listening has not budged, remaining stable at 73.0%.
While audience figures in total remain immobile, there have been a number of significant shifts within the profiles of several radio stations’ audiences. On a national level, there has been a decline on the year previous in the number of SU-LSM 1 and 5 listeners (average M-F), and significant growth over the same period in SU-LSM 6 and 9 listeners.
Individual stations showing SU-LSM shifts include Kaya FM 95.9, whose SU-LSM 5 and 6 listenership is up (p7d), while its SU-LSM 8 listener base has declined (p7d). Metro FM has lost SU-LSM 9 listeners, as well as audience in Pietermaritzburg (p7d).
5FM has gained listeners in Bloemfontein, while Lesedi FM has grown in the Northern Cape and Kimberley (all p7d).
Ikwekwezi FM has increased its audience in metro areas, and Total Community is up in Pretoria (both on a p7d and average M-F level).
Downward demographic shifts were seen for CKI FM Stereo in urban areas and East London (p7d), for Radio Pulpit in cities and large towns (p7d), and for Thobela FM on the Reef (average M-F).
The second wave of SAARF RAMS for this year will be released on 9 May 2007.
The South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF) is the provider of research data to the advertising, marketing and media industries. Its main objective is to direct and publish media and product/brand research for the benefit of its stakeholders, thereby providing data for target marketing and a common currency for the buying and selling of media space and time. The information is also used by media owners for strategic programme and editorial planning. SAARF conducts a number of major media and product/brand surveys, and segmentation tools: the All Media and Products Survey (AMPS), which includes Branded AMPS, South Africa’s only free source of data on over 163 product categories and 1 787 brands; the Radio Audience Measurement Survey (RAMS); and the Television Audience Measurement Survey (TAMS). Segmentation tools include the SAARF Universal Living Standards Measure (SU-LSM), SAARF Life Stages, and SAARF Lifestyles, for segmenting target markets.
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