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SA youth broadcasting live from Soweto
Says Atkins, "We are excited to be broadcasting live from the heart of Soweto with Y FM. Young people are the future of Africa and we want to give them an opportunity to debate the topics most important to them and bring their voices to a global audience. We also want listeners, especially young people across the world to text, email and phone us and use the BBC to talk with each other and be a part of this global dialogue."
Bondo Ntuli, YFM's programme manager, comments, "Our listeners expect us to create platforms allowing them to engage with other young people on issues that interest and concern them. Partnering on this special broadcast with a world class station such as the BBC World Service proves that we are listening and responding to them."
Listeners can participate by sending opinions and questions via SMS (+44 77 86 20 60 80) by telephone: (+44 20 70 83 72 72), via email () or online at bbcnews.com/worldhaveyoursay, where audiences may also listen live.