[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 49: The state of e-commerce in South Africa
![[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 49: The state of e-commerce in South Africa](https://biz-file.com/c/1301/122337.jpg)
In the Cape Town studio on Thursday, 17 January 2013, was Gary Hadfield, CEO of Loot.co.za (@lootcoza). Hadfield and show host Warren Harding (@bizcomwazza) discussed how Loot.co.za started back in 2003, the revamp in October 2012 and the performance of online shopping in South Africa over the festive season. They also looked at the current trends and the future growth of online shopping in South Africa and the impact mobile has had on e-commerce.
The news roundup covered:
- [2013 trends] South Africa's marketing research industry in 2013 and beyond
- [2013 trends] Cheaper, better, faster
- [2013 trends] Social media marketing and the youth
- [2013 trends] Who said magazines are dead?
- [2013 trends] Reinventing the sales function
If you missed the show, download (43.2MB) or listen to the podcast (47:13 minutes).
Episode 49: The state of e-commerce in South Africa
Date: 17 January 2013 Length: 47:13min File size: 43.2MB Host: Warren Harding
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