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But the overwhelming message is that African journalists have a lot to say - and are eager to explore ways that will allow them say it without fear of repercussions.
The "Freeing African media: democracy and the role of media in Africa" panel discussion, held on Wednesday morning, 2 March 2011,and hosted by Free African Media, and the African Regional Media Hub, provided a platform for journalists from African countries to share their experiences - and offer each other advice. As Free African Media deputy editor and moderator of the panel Phillip de Wet put it: "(We need) to get that conversation going: So we can talk to each other; so we can learn from each other; so we can share our experiences; so we can understand the problems we face in our various countries and how we can overcome them in the interests of democracy."
The main themes of the morning's discussion were the relationship between media and democracy, the role social media played in fomenting revolution North Africa, the difficulties of working in countries where much of the media is state-owned, the issue of self-censorship and the levels of harassment faced by journalists in different countries.
Continue reading the full report on www.freeafricanmedia.com, a Daily Maverick initiative.
- Bizcommunity special section: special focus on South African media freedom
- Bizcommunity special section: special focus on African media freedom
- Bizcommunity Twitterfall: #ZAmediafreedom
- Twitter Search: ZAmediafreedom
- Press Council of South Africa: Help make journalism in South Africa better
- Press Council of South Africa: Public hearings information to be found in There are no degrees of free speech
- Right2Know: www.right2know.org.za, @r2kcampaign, #right2know and Facebook page
- MediaMattersZA: @MediaMattersZA and page [a Media Monitoring Africa initiative]
- Keep South Africa's Media Free: @safreemedia, #safreemedia and Facebook group
- Free African Media: www.freeafricanmedia.com, @AfricanMedia, #freeafricanmedia and Facebook page [a Daily Maverick initiative]
- SANEF: Media Freedom
- Avaaz.org petition: South Africa: democracy at risk
- Freedomhouse.org: Freedom in the world
- Google News Search: Protection of Information Bill media appeals tribunal
- Google Blog Search: Protection of Information Bill media appeals tribunal

Source: Free African Media

Free African Media is an initiative of The Daily Maverick team, in collaboration with journalists from all over Africa. With free, quality media and freedom of expression under attack from just about every corner of African reality, it's become more and more obvious that a concentrated, Africa-wide effort is needed to help the fight, and Free African Media aims to do just that. It will function as a platform dedicated to freedom of expression throughout the continent, as well to helping improve the overall quality of reporting, analysis and opinion Africa-wide. Like Free African Media on Facebook; follow on Twitter at @africanmedia and, to contribute, email moc.aidemnacirfaeerf@krow.
Go to: http://www.freeafricanmedia.com
About Theresa Mallinson
Theresa Mallinson has lived and worked as an itinerant writer, subeditor and sometimes teacher, plying her trade in such exotic destinations as Vaduz, Dubai, and Cape Town. But that's all changed since she became a journalist at the Daily Maverick (www.thedailymaverick.co.za) and managing editor at Free African Media. For now, she's very happy to be living in Jozi. Follow her on Twitter at @tcmallinson and contact her on moc.liamg@nosnillam.asereht.Related