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SANEF comments on blacklisted reporter

Anything less would make it guilty of censorship and sully its otherwise commendable stance on freedom of speech.
It states that the move by the DA against the reporter flies in the face of the its founding liberal values, including commitment to press freedom, which is incongruous with its stated support for media freedom, as shown by its vocal opposition to the proposed statutory Media Appeals Tribunal and attempts to stem the free flow of information through the Protection of Information Bill.
It also adds that by calling into question Majavu's credibility as a journalist, simply because she used to work for a trade union, preposterous as this is the same tactic used by the ANC in an attempt to delegitimise the Press Ombudsman, arguing that he can't be impartial because he is a journalist by training.
For more:
- Google News Search: DA blacklisted journalist
- Twitter Search: DA journo OR DA journalist
- Bizcommunity special section: special focus on South African media freedom
- Bizcommunity special section: special focus on African media freedom
- Bizcommunity Twitterfall: #ZAmediafreedom
- Twitter Search: ZAmediafreedom
- Press Council of South Africa: Help make journalism in South Africa better
- Press Council of South Africa: Public hearings information to be found in There are no degrees of free speech
- Right2Know: www.right2know.org.za, @r2kcampaign, #right2know and Facebook page
- MediaMattersZA: @MediaMattersZA and page [a Media Monitoring Africa initiative]
- Keep South Africa's Media Free: @safreemedia, #safreemedia and Facebook group
- Free African Media: www.freeafricanmedia.com, @AfricanMedia, #freeafricanmedia and Facebook page [a Daily Maverick initiative]
- SANEF: Media Freedom
- Avaaz.org petition: South Africa: democracy at risk
- Freedomhouse.org: Freedom in the world
- Google News Search: Protection of Information Bill media appeals tribunal
- Google Blog Search: Protection of Information Bill media appeals tribunal

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