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AGM for Marketing Association SA

The Marketing Association South Africa MA(SA) will hold its annual general meeting on 3 August 2011 at 3pm at the Bryanston Country Club. The AGM will receive a report and feedback from the chairman and the executive director, take questions and suggestions from the floor, respond to electronic questions and suggestions and vote or approve the appointment of directors to fill vacancies.
AGM for Marketing Association SA

A summary of the audited financial statements will be available at the AGM. The audited financial statements as well as the Constitution and Articles are available to all members at an email request.

Board members

The current board comprises:

  • Chairman: Brenda Koornneef (corporate member: Tiger Brands - sector: food producer)
  • Vice chairman: Heidi Brauer (corporate member - Comair - sector: travel and leisure)
  • Joanne Siney-Gould (corporate member - Kimberly Clark - sector: personal care)
  • Linda Siso (corporate member - 3M)
  • Greg Garden (corporate member - Nedbank)
  • Douglass de Villiers (individual member)
  • Howard Fox (individual member)

  • Noah Greenhill (co-opted director)
  • Bonang Mohale (corporate member - Shell - sector: petro chemicals) - standing down in terms of the rotation rules - standing for re-election
  • Chris de Villiers executive director - (resigned - new executive director to take this vacancy)
  • Ian Penhale (corporate member - SAB - sector: beverages) - resigned - not standing for re-election)
  • Nandi Scorer (corporate member - SANLAM - sector: financial investments) - resigned - not standing for re-election)

In terms of the association's constitution, the board shall comprise a maximum of 11 elected directors plus the executive director (making a total of 12 board directors). In addition, the board may co-opt up to a maximum of five members to act as co-opted directors.

There are four vacancies needing to be filled. Two nominations are automatically listed from the director standing down for re-election, Bonang Mohale and the previously co-opted member, Noah Greenhill.

Board nominations

The board is calling for nominations to fill the two director vacancies. The criteria are that the nominee must be an employee of a corporate member of the association and that this nominee must occupy a position of marketing director or equivalent. This ruling by the board will ensure that the board is constituted along economic sector lines (as required by the constitution) and that individual members will be represented by two directors who have been elected specifically to serve that constituency.

The first meeting of the newly elected and confirmed board of directors will be held immediately after the close of the AGM.

Members wishing to submit electronic questions, suggestions or votes before 18 July, RSVPs must be submitted before 22 July and signed and accepted nominations must be received before 27 July. All correspondence may be emailed to az.oc.asgnitekram@ofni.

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