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Softline gives Life College R100 000

Softline CEO Ivan Epstein, who is part of the Life Champion Leadership Programme at the college, handed over the money to Life College representatives at the Life College on Tuesday 29 September 2009.
Epstein explains that by promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills amongst the Life College students, the Xchange is a trading floor for ideas and opportunities, which these young pioneers can use to interact with prospective funders and investors.
“This is a proud association for Softline, which is no stranger to skills development. I firmly believe that the corporate sector has an obligation to handle the skills shortage responsibly and, in line with this, invest in development and mentorship programmes which can turn mediocre skills into valuable assets,” he said.
The Life Champion Programme forms part of the leadership module in the curriculum and calls on its 50 Life Champions (who are prominent South African entrepreneurs and sporting greats) to offer 10 hours of their time each year to motivate and mentor students.