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Rainbow skills learners to become future employees

Learners from Grade 10, 11 and 12 who received the highest pass marks in mathematics, physical science and English in the 2008 examinations received awards from Rainbow, the programme's sponsor. The most improved learners in each grade received a certificate commemorating their efforts, and Gabigabi High School was awarded a special certificate for its commitment and support to the Star Schools programme.
"Representatives from sponsor, Star Schools and Department of Education officials, together with parents and the 150 learners currently on the programme, attended the ceremony," said Warren Farrer, corporate communications manager at Rainbow. "These children all attend schools around Hammarsdale and have been selected to receive English, maths and physical science educational assistance. The programme is run by Star Schools and lessons are held at the Mpumalanga College of Education on Saturdays and during school holidays.
Thrisha Mnyandu passed matric in 2007 after attending the programme and was awarded a bursary by the sponsor to study towards a BSc Agriculture at Wits. He passed his first year with flying colours and has been rewarded for his hard work through the renewal of his bursary from the sponsor for his second year of studies. Mnyandu is already gaining valuable practical experience working at for the company during holidays.
In 2008, 50 Star School Grade 12 learners sat the matric exam and, of these, 49 passed, 40 of the passes being at Bachelor-grade level (enabling the students to attend university). Of the Rainbow-sponsored learners, distinctions were achieved in English (5); maths (6); and physics (1).
96% pass rate
Across the entire Star Schools programme, the learners achieved a 96% pass rate, which is significantly higher than the 62% national average.
Two additional bursaries were awarded by Rainbow to learners who excelled in the 2008 grade 12 examinations. Ntando Kweyama will study a BSc in electrical engineering and Mholi Gabela will study towards a diploma in mechanical engineering.
Ramkillet said, "Success in maths, science and English is vital to gaining access to tertiary education and filling the huge skills void in South Africa. Through the Star Schools Maths and Science Incubator Programme youth are provided with an educational opportunity that will ensure change in their lives and enable them to take their rightful places as active economic participants in society."
"Although social investment does benefit a company's BBBEE rating, our involvement in the project and it's involvement in other social investment projects, were undertaken simply because it is the right thing to do," says Farrer.
"The project provides exactly the right programmes (focus on science, maths and English) that will rectify [the lack of technical/science skills] and the company's involvement means that children will be better equipped/educated, and essentially upskilled, which will benefit them for life.
“Since the project's inception in 2007, we have had a total of 200 learners pass through the system. We are not only giving back to the local community in which we operate, but also facilitating the process whereby bright young stars living within our operating area become future employees," concluded Farrer.