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Urban Edge Mag partners with Yes! Lifestyle
Launched in September 2011, Urban Edge has had eight successful issues, releasing its final issue last week on Friday 8 June 2012.
"We've had nine successful issues, but like all babies, we need help to grow and have taken on a very exciting partner within the music and beverage industries," says Danielle Illman, editor and cofounder of Urban Edge Mag.
Nick Kruger, managing director and cofounder, explains of the decision to take on a partner. "A free magazine relies solely on advertising income and sponsorship, so a financial partnership has been on our radar for some time. This new partnership will help the magazine grow at a faster rate and will assist in building stronger relations with other growing brands."
Pushing circulation numbers
The partnership will push the circulation numbers from 5000 copies to 10 000 copies within the first three months throughout the major tertiary institutes and other high traffic areas of the Western Cape. The magazine is currently looking for new distribution spots to grow its reach and will be available from various Pick n Pays and other stores selling Yes! beverages in the Western Cape. After three months, the print run will increase, bringing with it a national reach from the second quarter of inception.
"There will be some slight changes to content and coverage but the soul of the magazine will still be informative, youthful articles as the core focus. We will also keep the philosophy of giving aspiring creatives a platform to publish their articles."
The magazine will increase its visuals to suit the market and, through an already established partnership with one of the largest international music labels, it will be able to bring exclusive articles and interviews from musicians, actors, sportsmen and sportswomen from around the world, while staying true to its local roots.
For more, go to www.urbanedgemag.com.
Happy Birthday, Muse Magazine! 19 Jul 2024