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Mahmoud Bouneb to deliver keynote at MIPJUNIOR

During his keynote address, Mahmoud Bouneb will share his experience and the strategies put into place for the launch of JCC and Baraem, the first pre-school Arabic television channel which he heads and which is funded by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development.
JCC and Baraem produce significant quantities of animation and cartoon TV series, they both purchase programmes internationally and offer a range of multimedia and digital content through their websites: the jcctv.net website offers more than 200 hours of educational and entertainment broadcast material and the newly launched Baraem.tv website is specially designed for children aged 3 to 6 years.
New opportunities
Mahmoud Bouneb will talk about the new opportunities opening up with JCC and Baraem and he will explore how the kids' entertainment community must be more aware of their responsibilities in terms of education and social issues.
"MIPJUNIOR is a good and relevant platform for us to share our experience with global industry players and I am honored to present the MIPJUNIOR keynote speech. Both JCC and Baraem have made a tremendous difference to the Arab TV industry for children, and I am pleased to exchange some of the valuable lessons we have learned with such a prestigious audience," commented Mahmoud Bouneb, who has more than 25 years experience of international journalism and media, with a variety of international organisations.
In the late 90s, he moved to the Middle East and became advisor to the chairman of Al Jazeera and the president of Qatar Radio and TV Corporation. In 2003, he was appointed executive general manager for the Pan-Arab entertainment channel, Al Jazeera Children's Channel which he successfully launched in 2005.
MIPJUNIOR's two-day conference programme will focus on the changing business models in kids' TV production and distribution and will highlight new growing opportunities opening up with digital platforms and online gaming.