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A sneak peek at the Velocity pool party
It is a pool party, yes, but no one but the promoters wear anything that resembles pool attire; no bikinis, no Speedos and no swimming whatsoever.
So what makes it a pool party?
Well, it's the inflatable balls, the water pistols, the towels strewn on loungers and last, but not least, the pool. Someone decided two Lunch Bar chocolates floating in the pool would add to the intended ambience. Quite frankly, that was just nasty. On the upside, there's poolside food like hot dogs and cheese rolls and chocolates and, of course, the unrestricted flow of free drinks. Most bars run out of your favourite beer or cider first, here they ran out of Red Bull - so much for that Vodka Red Bull you've been thirsting for…
Eventually the balls are thrown off the terrace to the locals just below. It's like a scene out of a TV news report where violence has suddenly broke out amongst the locals. They run and tackle each other just to win themselves a ball. It becomes a bit distasteful to watch after a while.
The promotional girls and guys were made to wear what looked like shiny spandex outfits. Hot pants on the guys was… interesting and the girls looked like shiny mermaids. They took to the stage once Sweat X had finished his set and put on a glittering show.
Dancing, drinking and socialising is what it's really all about, the only difference being that it's during the daytime and it's around a pool. So if this is your kind of scene, make sure you try your best in 2009 to get onto the Velocity Films A-list.
For more:
- Official Loeries website: www.theloerieawards.co.za
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- Gallery: [Loeries] Sunday Loerie Awards 2008 ceremony
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- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Try harder, Avis
- Gallery: [Loeries] Sunday at Loeries 2008
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Awards ceremonies: let's get the party started!
- Editorial: A sneak peek at the Velocity pool party
- Article: Saturday night Loeries winners
- Gallery: [Loeries] Saturday Loerie Awards Gold and Grand Prix Loerie winners
- Editorial: Glendinning scoops Marketing Leadership and Innovation Award
- Gallery: Entertainment at the Loeries 2008
- Editorial: Loeries introduces Creativity Points ranking
- Article: Fun in the sun at Loeries 2008
- Gallery: [Loeries] Loeries seaside fun and Velocity Films pool party
- Entertainment blog:Confetti crazy at Ma'Gate
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Make your mother proud
- Breaking news blog: [Loeries] Flocking to Margate

About Sindy Peters
Sindy Peters (@sindy_hullaba_lou) is a group editor at Bizcommunity.com on the Construction & Engineering, Energy & Mining, and Property portals. She can be reached at moc.ytinummoczib@ydnis.