AMARA Awards open for nominations

The AMARAs set the benchmark for recruitment excellence, celebrating achievements in people management and highlighting those individuals who apply creative and innovative approaches to recruiting top talent.
The awards are open to all companies or organisations, regardless of size or sector. This year, the first 'Recruitment Consultant of the Year' Award will acknowledge the contribution made to the development of people management practices.
"The group has created this platform to recognise the talent and commitment of HR professionals who excel in top talent acquisition and deliver extraordinary contributions to organisational performance," says Trevor Ormerod, GM advertising sales & strategic communications, Times Media.
Nomination categories, process
The process for submitting nominations for both public and private sector recruitment professionals and agencies is quick and simple.
For private sector nominations, the categories are:
HR Manager / Executive of the Year
HR Officer of the Year
Most Creative Recruitment Advert
In the public sector, the categories are:
HR Manager / Executive of the Year
HR Officer of the Year
Most Creative Recruitment Advert
Categories that span both sectors are:
Recruitment Consultant of the Year
Recruitment Agency of the Year
Recruitment Advertising Agency of the Year
A judging panel comprising of top HR professionals will assess each nomination and adjudicate overall winners.
Results will be announced in November at a gala dinner to be held in Johannesburg. For more information, go to www.TimesMediaAMARA2013.co.za.