Spot a good online scribe, before they're brilliant!
Figuring out what you need is the first step
The experience required will depend on what type of copywriter you are looking for. If it's a heavyweight/technical writer you need, then the applicant has to have extensive experience (more than five years) in the online copywriting field. But if you're looking for a junior, then anything between fresh out of college and three years of experience will do - in some cases it will also depend on how much time you are willing to invest in a person, to mould them into what you need from a business perspective.
Talent will also play a role if you're looking for a copywriter who will be producing something specific - for example advertising content. Each of us has our own unique skill set, so one writer's talents might lie in long-form travel content, whereas another's might be perfect in the production of kick-ass advertising copy. While a great copywriter should be able to write on any topic without a problem, when he/she writes on a topic or in a style that they really enjoy, the content will be better on every level.
The personality traits you should look for relate to whether you're filling an in-house position or taking on a freelancer. For an in-house copywriter, it's important that the person fits in with your corporate culture - additionally, look out for someone who has shown initiative and enthusiasm.
When weighing up extensive experience (higher salary requirement but can hit the ground running) or a very keen, dynamic and talented junior (limited experience but ultra-keen to learn), think about the experience level most suited to the position. What you need regardless is talent, as you can't teach something like writing skills - these must be there from the outset!
Shortlisting candidates just from an email
Correspondence with you, leading up to the interview, should always be error-free and, depending on the tone of your advert and corporate culture, their correspondence should mirror (i.e. fit in with) these. There is no excuse if a copywriter applying for a position makes mistakes in their correspondence - I'm pretty strict about this because it can show a lack of attention to detail, where you need it most...
The applicant should also show an interest in learning new things because the online world changes constantly and they'll need to stay abreast of developments, incorporating them into projects without anyone having to ask.
Words to describe the perfect copywriter
This is not a hard and fast list, but it should give you something to start with if this is the first time you are hiring a copywriter.
- Curious
- Wide vocabulary
- Precise
- Focused
- Clear
- Shows attention to detail
- Consistent
- Knows how to ask for help
- Has perspective
- Thinks logically
- Widely read
Creative vs Analytical?
I'd suggest the applicant should display close to a 50:50 analytical versus creative brain, as they'll need to pay attention not only to online marketing principles, but also to act with common sense when they're conducting research on a project. Just because information appears online, doesn't mean it's true - so go for someone who knows about writer's bias (not only of the pages they're referencing for research, but also their own) - and makes sure it doesn't affect the piece they're writing.
The perfect copywriter has a set of characteristics - aside from skill
Attention to detail, time-management and initiative are the qualities I regard most highly in my freelance writers. My business interactions all take place online so I don't get to meet any of my writers in person; I deal mainly via email with everyone so, essentially, I only have their work to go on when it comes to finding the real gems.
A great writer who lacks time management will always blow through deadlines, which is damaging to my business. Similarly, someone who delivers before deadline but whose work is rushed through and needs to be edited, also adds pressure - so just focusing on one characteristic doesn't work when you're looking for a great online copywriter. You have to look for a combination of qualities, besides just looking at skill.
Qualifications of benefit to an online copywriter?
Copywriters have to be able to write - this is non-negotiable, and they should bring proof of this skill to an interview; or be able to email you the evidence of it. Furthermore, teaching various web-copywriting techniques is relatively easy if there is time for it, and if the employee is willing to learn. If this is not the case, there are a few courses, like the GetSmarter Copywriting for Online Marketing short course, that will teach someone with writing skill, the nuances of writing for different platforms and how to think of copywriting from a marketing perspective.
Certain communications and PR courses will also provide value to an online copywriter, and of course any knowledge of online marketing and how the internet works can only be beneficial.
In conclusion, choosing the best online copywriter is not just about copywriting skill. It's about a combination of characteristics that makes the person suitable - or not - for the position.

About Candice Winterboer
Candice Winterboer is the owner of Alfalfa Content Generator, a company that specialises in online content for businesses and agencies - ranging from blog posts, newsletters and website content to social media updates. Working as head of social media for an agency, she then saw a gap in the market for an outsourced, online copywriting service and jumped at the chance of opening her own copywriting business. For more information, go to www.alfalfacontentgenerator.com.Related