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Gordon Hooper to head SAMRA
Taking up his position from August 2004, Hooper hopes to utilise his time at SAMRA to establish SAMRA's credentials as being effective in governing research quality and usefulness and use SAMRA's credibility to influence perceptions about the importance of quality and usefulness of research in the development and tracking of business strategy and tactics.
As Hooper takes over as Chairman he wishes to express his gratitude to Sifiso Malala, Heather Kennedy and the outgoing council for their sterling efforts at bringing SAMRA back from a position of financial disaster to extreme health. "Their superb efforts have made it possible for the new council to implement plans that evolved from research on our industry and industry body to achieve the objectives outlined above." comments Hooper.
Hooper has also expressed his welcome to Schalk van Vuuren, new Chairman elect and the new council and looks forward to their valuable support in further entrenching the professional face of the research industry by ensuring SAMRA:
1) Influences and Enforces Research Quality.
2) Influences Research's Usefulness in the Role of Strategic Planning.
3) Stays in Tune With SA's Consumer Dynamics.
4) Is the Industry's Mouthpiece.
5) Becomes more Modern.
6) Is Internationally Linked.
7) Promotes Research Careers.
8) Promotes Interest and Fun.
9) Provides Industry Support Services.
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