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[Biz Online Insights] Oscars 2016
This week, our 'Biz Online Insights' section explores the South African online population's views on the Oscars 2016.
The survey was carried out by Panel Services Africa on their premium online research panel, TellUsAboutIt, comprising 40,000 registered online users.
Who better to ask then, to glean insights into the local online population?

An Oscar from any angle is still an Oscar... © Vladimir Rublev – 123RF.com
With #OscarsSoWhite and Leonardo di Caprio's Best Actor win dominating social media, we wanted to find out the average South African's views on this annual night of celebrating the movie world's best.
Overall, respondents admitted an interest in overseas movies and celebrities, with more of the younger set following the fashion and winner's results online and through social media and those over 50 getting the results delayed through TV or radio news broadcasts.
You can browse the results in the following SlideShare, which shows the 300 targeted responses, with additional quota control of sample according to age group, gender and province summary, in order to be nationally representative of the general South African adult online population:
Biz Online Insights: Oscars from Bizcommunity
Do you agree with these responses? Share your thoughts in the comments section below and browse through this overview of two big data companies' of this year's big wins if you missed all the fun.
Source: PSA TellUsAboutIt

This survey was carried out by Panel Services Africa on their premium online research panel, TellUsAboutIt, comprising 40,000 registered online users.
Contact Claire Heckrath (087 150 5298) for more information, or az.oc.acirfasecivreslenap@ofni.
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