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2012 IPRA president lays out plans

McDowell emphasises the need for IPRA to remain relevant. "IPRA has an extraordinary history and has paved the way for many other similar organisations and PR professionals in the world. Remaining relevant during the times of great social and technological change is key to its success. Luckily, we have been embracing these changes on an on-going basis."
IPRA recently re-launched its website on www.ipra.org and has links onto Facebook, Twitter (@ipraofficial) and as a LinkedIn group. McDowell continues, "Our footprint has expanded in recent months as more interested people link onto our networks at no cost and are able to find out about the organisation before signing up as members."
Number of members increase
With members in more than 70 countries, she wants to see the number of members increase to include more countries. "As long as we have relevant information that people want to access, we will continue to expand at a rapid rate."
This will be the first time that South Africa has had one of its own as president of this international organisation and McDowell sees this as an ideal opportunity to promote Africa to the world, a cause close to her heart. Regional chapters are one of the key objectives set by the new governing body or leadership team and she intends to ensure that the Regional Chapter for Africa is fully in place at the end of her term of office in December 2012.
McDowall was elected to her position during 2010 and served as president elect during 2011, having been a long-term member since the early `90s.
Emphasised its global footprint
The members of the leadership team are Richard Linning (UK) president 2011, Johanna McDowell (South Africa) president 2012, Christophe Ginisty (France) president Elect 2013, Nigel Chism (UK) Treasurer and Jim Holt, CEO.
The association has further emphasised its global footprint with the election of its new governing body by all its individual members. Those elected were Mike Okereke (Nigeria) and Loula Zaklama (Egypt) (representing Africa), Asia & Oceania: Ajit Pathak (India), South America: Amybel Sanchez de Walther (Peru); West Asia Zehra Gungor (Turkey) and Sunil John (UAE) and Europe, which has the largest IPRA membership, Alexandre Cordeiro (Portugal), Bart de Vries (Netherlands), Christophe Ginisty (France), Philip Sheppard (Belgium) and Jim McQueeny (US). The regions are those recognised by the United Nations with whom IPRA has a unique link. The one remaining position, in Asia & Oceania, will be filled soon.
Follow McDowell on Twitter (@IPRAPresident).