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Free up digital dividend spectrum for broadband
Spectrum management in South Africa remains significantly underdeveloped and will remain so until this fundamental uncertainty has been dealt with, according to ISPA, which was commenting on the unique opportunity afforded by the availability of digital dividend spectrum and the importance of assigning spectrum licences in a manner that is optimal for growth and development in SA.
The digital dividend spectrum will be freed up when South African broadcasters complete migration from analogue to digital terrestrial television. This prime spectrum, around the 700 MHz and 800 MHz bands, is particularly suitable for the deployment of high-speed broadband services using technologies such as LTE and even 4G.
Dominic Cull, ISPA's regulatory advisor, said that the organisation believes the digital dividend offers ICASA a powerful tool to spur new competition in the broadband market, drive down prices and improve market penetration.
"ISPA is heartened at the recognition by ICASA in its recently-released corporate strategy of the central importance of broadband to the building of an information society and it is obvious that for the majority of South Africa's population, broadband services will be delivered wirelessly."
However, before decisions can be made about the use of digital dividend spectrum for the delivery of broadband services, ICASA needs to ensure that use is made of all available spectrum and whether more than just the 790-852 MHz band needs to included in the dividend to be made available to broadband and other providers.
ISPA believes that the recent 'Digital Dividend Workshop', convened by ICASA, signals that the regulator intends to take an inclusive approach but it also revealed that a great deal of work is required before the dividend can be realised.
"It became clear at the workshop that the incumbent operators wish to perpetuate existing licensing patterns and the 2.6 GHz auction to be further delayed, so as to allow them to bid for licences in both that band and the digital dividend band. It was refreshing to note Vodacom's call for the development of a single national open access wireless network and ISPA believes more thought needs to be given to creative notions of this kind," concludes Cull.
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