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Comment invited on draft terrestrial broadcasting frequency plan
The purpose of the frequency plan is to add further detail to the allotment of broadcasting frequencies, with specific emphasis on frequencies that will be assigned for digital migration purposes. The publication of the frequency plan also follows the recent publication of the digital migration framework regulations.
Interested parties are therefore requested to submit written representations on the draft terrestrial broadcasting frequency plan for the attention of Monde Mbanga at or at:
Block A
Pin Mill Farm
164 Katherine Street
Private Bag X 10002
The closing date for comments is 21 November 2008.
New councillors
The three newly appointed ICASA councillors who will be sworn in by Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng are NA Batyi, TLV Makhakhe and FK Sibanda. Councillors are appointed by the Minister of Communications after approval by the National Assembly. Independence and fairness in the exercise of their task as councillors of ICASA, which regulates and licenses the electronic communications sector, as well as the postal sector, is crucial.
The oath which they will undertake confirms the said independence and fairness. Members of the public and the electronic media and postal sector are invited to attend the ceremony that will take place as follows:
Date : Friday 17 October 2008
Time : 9am for 9.15am
Venue : Block C, Presentation Room
Pinmill Farm,
164 Katherine Street,