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Unite Mzansi Unite campaign arrives in KZN
This jersey is part of the adidas Unite Mzansi Unite (UMU) campaign, which is aimed at uniting South Africans behind the 2010 FIFA World Cup and provides a platform for the fans to register their support for the national football team.
"Our stop in Kokstad is a significant milestone in our seven month journey, which started in November 2009 and finishes on the eve of the World Cup in June 2010. Kokstad is the first town in the province of KwaZulu-Natal and we are delighted to register the signature of the premier because this shows the support of the provincial government for our UMU campaign," says Zobuzwe Ngobese, the PR manager at adidas South Africa.
Signing frenzy
The now famous giant jersey, which has travelled throughout the Free State, Western Cape and Eastern Cape, now boasts more than 82 000 signatures since the start of the UMU campaign.
To date, the New Brighton Township in Port Elizabeth proved to be a hit as 3000 signatures were accumulated, the most collected in one day so far. The Western Cape currently has the highest number of signatures gathered in one province with 42 182 people signing the yellow jersey during the truck's visit to the province in December 2009.
"We hope the people of KwaZulu-Natal will set a new record of signatures collected in a province," concludes Ngobese.
Track the campaign:
- Adidas: www.adidas.com/unite
- Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/adidasunite/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/adidasunite
- Twitter: @adidasUMU