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Seminar on World Cup 2010 regulations
The purpose of this seminar is to outline and question the claims FIFA make in relation to the protection of their intellectual property and other rights they have regarding this event.
With 2010 just around the corner, marketers and advertisers are gearing up their advertising campaigns for this event. The question on everyone's lips is, what rights do FIFA actually hold in terms of South African law, and how do the notices published in the Government Gazette affect our rights as advertisers?
Analysis of legal aspects
An important aspect of the seminar is the analysis of the legal aspects by the presenters in unpacking the legalese in layman's terms to inform the attendees as to what they can and cannot do. This will enable advertisers and media owners to plan their advertising campaigns accordingly.
This seminar is aimed at advertisers, advertising agencies, media owners, graphic designers, copywriters and promotional goods agencies.
Krog summarises: “By declaring the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa a Protected Event from September 2006 until after the World Cup in 2010, all advertising from now on is affected by the relevant law and FIFA's rights regarding this event. The seminar will firstly analyse, in layman's terms, what rights FIFA indeed hold and what they do not hold. Secondly, the seminar will analyse the legislation applicable to prevent ambush marketing of events and establish what is prohibited and what not.
Individual rights
“Thirdly, the seminar will analyse the individual rights and claims of FIFA in the press and establish which of those claims are indeed substantial and which are flimsy and which are plainly wrong. Fourthly, the seminar will look at the liability of media owners in the case of any infringement. Fifthly, case studies will be discussed to establish the practical implications especially for advertisers. Lastly, a panel discussion will analyse ways and means to utilize the event of the World Cup for commercial purposes.”
Bookings can be made through On The Box Marketing and Events at or tel +27 (0)11 482 7354.