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Loeries 2.0: the party's started on Zoopy.com

With online users coming to expect the freedom to co-create, tag and comment on Internet media, Zoopy is thrilled to be providing the technology that will allow the Loeries to take off in true Web 2.0 style.
Zoopy will be assisting Bizcommunity.com on the ground in Margate over Loeries weekend, 27 – 30 July 2007, with video interviews and footage of all the events and party happenings from around Margate and the awards ceremonies of course.
And if you've got the guts, why not step up to the plate and create your own Loeries 2007 mini ad? The theme is simple – ‘Totally Margate'. Video, photo or both - it's up to you. Show your fellow creatives who's king of the ring and pitch up to work once the hangover's gone with a 4gig iPod Nano RED.
Bizcommunity and Zoopy judges will decide on the winner based partly on the weather but mostly on what users have to say via comments and ratings. So get cracking!
Entries close on Friday 27 July and the winner will be found somewhere in the crowds in the middle of Margate.
Once we hit the weekend, the Loeries channel will be updated with videos and photos LIVE from the event.
Sien julle by die see!
To enter: register at www.zoopy.com and upload your creative masterpiece into the Loeries 2007 channel.
To view all coverage of the Loeries for Bizcommunity.com on Zoopy.com:
- Photos: www.zoopy.com/photo_channels/91/Loeries_2007
- Videos: www.zoopy.com/video_channels/91/Loeries_2007
To view some of the finalist work at Loeries and comment (same as above):