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Five years of AMPS data out now
The South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF) has released a booklet and CD covering AMPS information. The SAARF Trends booklet covers 2007-2011 and the SAARF Segmentation CD is based on AMPS fieldwork period Jan-Dec 2011.

In the booklet, the latest 2011 results cover data collected from Jan-Dec 2011. The 2007-2010 figures will differ from previous trend booklet editions, as they now reflect annual January-December data. Users of the booklet must also keep in mind that the 2007 and 2008 figures are based on the previous 16+ universe whereas the 2009-2011 results are based on the new 15+ universe.
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- SAARF Living Standards Measure
The section on the SAARF LSM is a write up on the history, current status and information on the size and main demographics of each group, as well as their media exposure.
In addition to all the media information, there is useful information on all the products and activities measured in AMPS over the past five years. It gives an indication of the years in which each of them was measured and where there was a methodological change.
The cost is R165 per copy or R130 for 10+ orders.
The CD contains the major segmentation tools available on Amps and is available at R195 per copy.
- SAARF Living Standards Measure (LSM) - This is an index that groups the population according to access to services and other wealth indicators into ten groups, 10 (highest) to 1 (lowest). It is a unique means of segmenting the South African market. It cuts across race and other outmoded techniques of categorising people, and instead groups people according to their living standard using a combination of 29 wealth and access indicators as the basic criteria.
- SAARF Living Standards Measure (LSM Extended) - Users have expressed their need to segment the upper end of the LSM scale in more detail. In response to this need an extended LSM has been released for the first time in AMPS 2008A. In addition to the 10 LSM groups, LSM 7-10 have been split in half to create "low" and "high" sub-groups.
- SAARF Life stages - This index groups people together in terms of the life stages that people normally go through, beginning with single people still living with their parents, through to the mature couples.
- SAARF Lifestyles - SAARF Lifestyles are diverse groups of people each sharing similar behaviour with regard to sporting and other activities. In the latest version of this handy tool, two separate segmentations have been done, one for LSM 1 - 5 and one for LSM 6 - 10.
- SAARF Attitudes - This index groups people according to their attitudes regarding various statements spanning from advertising through to issues such as crime. There are five attitude groups namely the Now Generation, Nation Builders, Distants, Routed and Global Citizens.
For more, go to www.saarf.co.za