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[Behind the Selfie] with... Felix Kessel
This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with Felix Kessel, Magic Steam turbine Driver (CEO) at OwenKessel Leo Burnett...

Felix Kessel, the Magic Steam Turbine Driver of OwenKessel Leo Burnett (OKL) proves he is no technophobe. His unique take on marketing cites storytelling as the key to creating participation between people and brands. It’s been embraced by his clients and the industry at large. Maybe it’s because he really gives a damn about his clients.
1. Where do you live, work and play?
Kessel: I live in my mind, work in Sandton and play wherever my kids are.
2. What's your claim to fame?
Kessel: I am the only creative I know that has never, ever had a portfolio.
3. Describe your career so far.
Kessel: I started at FCB mid-90s as a copywriter. That was a crazy time under Ashley Bacon and Francois de Villiers, led by Mike Bosman. Those years, FCB grew exponentially in both earnings and creative reputation. Heady days indeed. I made a mis-step into BTL for a few months, taking on responsibility I wasn't ready for and then course-corrected with a move to TBWA\GAVIN\REDDY, working with Damon and Minky Stapleton. Those were even crazier days and we raked in the awards. Good times. We also launched SA's first DVD magazine and started exploring content marketing before anyone knew what content marketing was. Fun, fun, fun. From there we were assimilated into TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS and I stayed for about a year as a CD before realising there was a gap in my adland experience and I moved to the ECD position at Brand Activation (Ogilvy) to round out my BTL, Experiential and more content work. Two years later I finally felt ready to do my own thing and together with Vaughan Owen we started OwenKessel. Quickly we won the Amstel Lager business and with them as our founding client we grew and started winning more business and a few awards along the way. Last year we merged with Leo Burnett to become OwenKessel Leo Burnett and join one of the leading creative networks in the world. And now? Reaching for the stars.
4. Tell us a few of your favourite things.
Kessel: Sci-Fi stories, beautiful prose, audio books and family time. I'm inspired by creativity, however it manifests.
5. What do you love about your industry?
Kessel: The freedom for creative people to express themselves and get paid. Seeing an idea really change things. The incredibly nurturing environment we create to safeguard precious ideas. Our clients and brands who are willing to risk something for a greater reward.
6. What are a few pain points your industry can improve on?
Kessel: We just don't teach enough. We are way too insular while the world is becoming far, far more collaborative. We need a better transformation plan.
7. Describe your average workday (if such a thing exists).
Kessel: School run. Audio book time in traffic. Internal meetings in the morning. Client meetings in the afternoon. Kids' story time. Work in the evening. And a bit of social media madness in between it all.
8. What are the tools of your trade?
Kessel: Common sense. Communication. Insatiable curiosity. Actually giving a damn about your clients.
9. Who is getting it right in your industry?
Kessel: I like what Ogilvy Cape are about. They seem to have a good handle on things. I also like the mavericks like King James and Joe Public. Their brands are rising. Keep an eye on Native.
10. What are you working on right now?
Kessel: Looking for innovation in everything.
11. Tell us some of the buzzwords floating around in your industry at the moment, and some of the catchphrases you utter yourself.
Kessel: My favourite overused term is 360 - so few brands can really afford it and everyone asks for it. Also being asked what is your SMLTP? (short-/medium-/long-term plan).
12. Where and when do you have your best ideas?
Kessel: Usually in the heat of a healthy debate over an idea. And then there's always the idea that pops just as your campaign hits the world!
13. What's your secret talent/party trick?
Kessel: Reading people. I tend to 'Holmes' and understand people with very little information to go on. Can be amazingly accurate and win the party, or it can end in disaster and me never being invited back again. But without risk there's no reward.
14. Are you a technophobe or a technophile?
Kessel: I'm no technophobe!
15. What would we find if we scrolled through your phone?
Kessel: Hmmm. Audio books. Games. Ideas. And I only ever put names to numbers of people who mean something to me.
16. What advice would you give to newbies hoping to crack into the industry?
Kessel: There's a new breed of creative required for today's industry: part writer, part editor, part director, part conversationalist on one hand and part designer, part animator, part photographer, part director on the other. The lines are really blurring as the requirement for quality content at pace continues to define brands' worlds. The jack of all trades is coming of age and they will be employed ahead of most others. However, if you want to specialise, you'd better make sure you're the best.
17. Plug your contact details, punt yourself - list all the places people can find you/your work online...
You can read more about OwenKessel Leo Burnett by visiting their press office here.
*Interviewed by Leigh Andrews

About Leigh Andrews
Leigh Andrews AKA the #MilkshakeQueen, is former Editor-in-Chief: Marketing & Media at Bizcommunity.com, with a passion for issues of inclusion, belonging, and of course, gourmet food and drinks! Now follow her travel adventures on YouTube @MidlifeMeander.Related