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12 days to go: Reminder to enter the AMASA Awards!
The awards format hosts the below listed categories and will include the Roger Garlick Grand Prix which will be awarded to the best work presented overall.
The categories for the AMASA Awards include:
Best Integrated Campaign
(This will be by client category as per below):
Entries into this category must show that they utilised multiple types of media (two or more) in the creation of the campaign (e.g. Screens, Digital, Outdoor etc.) Entries will be judged on how well they have integrated the chosen media types throughout the campaign, and must demonstrate how successfully the different formats complement and build on each other to communicate the brand's overall message. Judges will be looking out for evidence of media neutral planning where the best insights and thinking has resulted in a media mix that demonstrates creativity, consistency of brand message and achievement of the client's objectives. Please ensure to specify any third party contributions on the entry submissions.
Best Integrated Campaign: FMCG
Beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, cocktails, tea, coffee, still and carbonated drinks, juices, mineral waters, chocolate, sweets, chewing and bubble gum, potato crisps, nuts, milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, margarine & spreads, cakes, biscuits, desserts, sugar, jam, honey, peanut butter, bread, flour, baking ingredients, breakfast cereals, meats, fish, seafood, soups, delicatessen, fruits & vegetables, rice, pasta, sauces, oils, spices, herbs, pre-cooked & prepared meals, baby foods & milk, detergents, cleaning products, air fresheners, insecticides, foil & other food packaging, light bulbs, batteries, paint, varnish & wood protectors adhesives, tools, garden tools, pet food & pet care products, soap, shower & bath products, deodorants & body sprays, skin & nail care products, oral hygiene, toilet paper, tissues, nappies, shaving products, insect repellents, diet products, adhesive plasters, skin remedies, condoms, pregnancy tests, contact lenses, vitamins, alternative therapies & medicines virility drugs
Best Integrated Campaign: Transport
Cars, jeeps and 4-wheel drives, pick-up trucks, vans, lorries, motorbikes, tyres, auto products and services, spare parts, accessories incl. in-car hi-fi, petrol stations, petrol, oil, breakdown & servicing companies, car dealerships, car finance & leasing
Best Integrated Campaign:
Other Consumer Goods (including durables & telco.)
House and garden furniture, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, microwaves, kitchen utensils, appliances & crockery, glassware bed & table linen, baths, showers & toilets, wall & floor coverings, televisions, camera, video cameras, film, hi-fi, personal stereos, CD players & MP3 players, DVD & Blu-ray players, personal phone equipment incl. mobile phones & smartphones, tablet computers, musical instruments, sports equipment, bicycles, boats & caravans, toys, board games, computer games, game consoles, home computers, clothing, footwear and accessories, sportswear, handbags, belts, luggage, jewelry, watches, sunglasses, spectacles
Best Integrated Campaign: Financial
Banks, building societies, credit cards, current & savings accounts, mortgages & loans, investment companies, health and building insurance, car insurance, pension & retirement plans, real estate investment, building development, road construction
Best Integrated Campaign: Public Services
Consumer telecommunication services, internet service providers, cable & satellite, TV providers, directories, Yellow Pages, postal services, electricity, gas, power & water companies, private education, private healthcare & clinics, optical, medical & dental services, prescription drugs, hearing aids, hospital aids, hospital & dental equipment, psychiatrists, sex therapists, plastic surgeons etc.
Best Integrated Campaign: Travel, Entertainment & Leisure
Transport, travel and tourism, airlines, train & bus companies, cruise lines, travel agencies, tourist boards, hotels, resorts, city & bus company promotion, car hire, travel passes, leisure & theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sporting events, music festivals, orchestras, exhibitions & shows, nightclub, bars etc., museums, art galleries, cinemas & theatres, golf & country clubs. Lotteries and gambling
Best Integrated Campaign: Retail (includes e-commerce & QSR)
Stores including home shopping, restaurants, fast food, department & specialist stores, supermarkets DIY stores, drugstores, opticians, hairdressers, beauty salons, laundry service, estate agents, photo-processors, TV, video & other rental stores, mail-order companies, online shopping & auctions
Best Integrated Campaign: Media
Newspapers, magazines & supplements, books, records, CD's cassettes, DVDs & Blu-ray Discs, TV & radio stations, networks & programs, movies
Best Integrated Campaign: B2B
Business phone & computer equipment, office furniture & stationery, accountancy, conference & events services, business postal services, courier services, employment agencies, agriculture & manufacturing equipment
Best Integrated Campaign: Cause Related
Anti-smoking, anti-drugs, anti-drinking & driving, road safety, health, hygiene, Aids awareness, political & religious messages, unions, associations, environmental awareness, government & forces recruitment, state education, racial, ethnic & disability awareness, sex equality, charities, funds, volunteers, Red Cross, blood & organ donation
Best Branded Content Campaign
This category is about content creation and it open to all brands, agencies and production organisations that are dealing with brands in order to devise, create and distribute branded content. The work could be executed in the TV sector or within the online video market. It could be via publications or through apps. The work could be "native" or exist as independent scalable content. Judges will be looking for content that fits with the brand strategy and addresses a clearly-defined marketing challenge as well as having a "fit" with the brand's values. Judges will be looking for innovative creation of intellectual property (IP). How that content is leveraged - whether through licensing and rights selling or through engagement in social media, as evidenced by shares, likes or other engagement metrics will be an important ingredient for making your entry a winner. This is all about "owned" media.
Best Experiential/Event Campaign
This category recognises brands that deliver an experiential campaign for consumers via events, stunt advertising, guerrilla marketing, projections, and roadshows or through sponsorship of an existing events property. The experiential campaign will be physical in its core, but can have virtual angles around it.
Best Online Campaign
This category is looking for entries that have understood and integrated themselves into the digital landscape. It covers all digital media, from web, mobile/app, blogs, IPTV, gaming and search through to affiliate marketing and is looking for great examples of interaction using digital media's unique properties. Judges are looking for strong campaigns which successfully utilised digital media in a creative and innovative way and executed with high quality to promote the brand and brand message for its target audience.
Best Social Media Strategy
This category rewards innovation in social media strategy. The winning campaign should be able to demonstrate great results in utilising social media. This could either take the form of a social media platform, an online initiative using existing or a new social networks, or finally, a campaign where an initial idea or experience and message is actively distributed and/or adapted by a participating key audience to positive brand effect using social channels. Entries will be judged on the creative use of social platforms and a sound understanding of online consumer behaviour and all entries should be backed up by substantive metrics that prove campaign success. Judges will be looking for examples of fantastic consumer driven campaigns, community building, targeting, engagement and conversational marketing strategies.
Best Use of Mobile
Innovative use of the mobile channel to reach and engage consumers is key in this category. Any form of mobile media will be considered, including mobile Apps, .mobi sites, mobile content or any form of mobile advertising, provided they show how the advertiser has used mobile in a creative and engaging way to obtain great results on clear objectives.
Best Use Of Technology
Awarded to the campaign that is seen to exploit new technology to its full potential in the marketing world. The winning campaign will be able to demonstrate a good brand/technology fit and show innovation in the use of the new technology to reach an audience. This category is open to any existing media channel, and any new one created by the use of the technology. Judges will be focussing on the innovative nature of the technology and how it has been applied to a marketing challenge.
Best Sponsorship
This category includes campaigns which include promotion of a brand's value and position by going beyond traditional advertising channels, and utilising the generation of content, e.g. Seamless integration of a product in a television program, or advertiser funded programming (AFP). This category is looking for examples that best utilise sponsorship as the major communication strategy. The judges will be looking for the part of the campaign owned by the agency that contributed most to the success of the sponsorship.
Best Contribution by a Media Owner
This category recognises the efforts of media owners in their work with advertiser clients to connect with their audiences. Judges are looking for partner behaviour; creative application of ideas and innovative strategies. Entries will be judged on the level of creative thinking, consumer insight, and success for the client. The winning campaign could be a multi-platform strategy or a single marketing execution. The entering company must be the media owner.
Ignition Award
The Ignition Awards is aimed at current students and rewards the best example of work submitted from media and advertising students.
This year we have also added two additional categories including:
Best use of a small budget (<150k)
This category recognises the efforts around the most creative/far reaching campaigns with shoe-string budgets. The judges are looking for ingenuity when it comes to getting clients the most bang for their buck!
Best Pro bono campaign
This category honours outstanding campaigns that were developed on a pro bono basis - from environmental protection to wildlife conservation to child abuse, to road safety. The judges are looking for campaigns that have not only raised money but those which have publicised important issues.
How to enter:
Please view the call to entry video here.
You can fill in the AMASA Awards entry form here.
Entry forms and supporting material will only be accepted in digital format.
Additional material or queries can be emailed to Wayne Bishop az.oc.krowtendhp@pohsib.enyaw or az.oc.smmocotalp@enirehtac.
Please note: We will accept a maximum of five supporting documents per entry, excluding the entry form, these include photographs, video, sound bytes or PDF documents or video to support your entry. (Only up to 2MB, anything larger should be sent via Wetransfer to az.oc.smmocotalp@enirehtac.)
Entrants are welcome to enter the same entry into various categories if they wish. Entrants are also encouraged to submit a supporting video entry to accompany their entry form but this is not a requirement. Campaigns entered should be authentic, signed off by the respective client and entries should indicate how the campaign delivered on the quantifiable goals set and generated sound commercial results.
Cost to enter is R1,100 excl. VAT. All entries to be accompanied by proof of payment. Banking details are on the entry form.
Entries are open 14 August and will close on 7 September 2015. After the closing date a judging panel lead by industry representatives will shortlist the entries which will be announced in week of 14 September 2015. Final winners will be announced and celebrated at the AMASA Awards Gala Evening on the 1st of October.
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