AMASA Cape Town announces 2006 committee 2 May 20062 May 2006 WhatsappWhatsappPrintPDFXLinked-in Facebook More sharing options More sharing options The Advertising Media Association of South Africa (AMASA) Cape Town announced its new committee for 2006 at its recent AGM.The new AMASA committee members are:Mike van Eck, Johncom Media - chairperson Michele Marais, FHM - vice chairpersonKim Alberts, Rugby World - treasurerCheryl Hayden, FCB - secretaryAndrew McLagan, Car magazine - Roger Garlick AwardsJames Edwards, Digital - speakersJon Ratcliffe, Ogilvy - speakersRyan Stramrood, Stramrood & Associates - membershipMarc Frampton, - meetingsGraham Deneys, GQ - fundraising & annual eventQuinton Jones, TBWA/Fusion - marketingPatricia Saunders, RedMark - workshopMichele Marais, FHM - workshopRichard Procter, FCB - educationTertia Lesch, Nota Bene - educationJacki McEwen, Meier & McEwen Marketing & Media - public relationsGeorge Barbour - finance