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Get free TED ideas on media, marketing, communication from local speakers
Some ideas are worth spreading and some of the best and the freshest in the world are featured in TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conferences. To spread these ideas further, TED has created TEDx (www.ted.com/tedx) - independently organised but licensed TED events. South Africa will produce TEDxNewtown on Friday, 18 September 2009, 8am - 11am, at the Deloitte Auditorium, Woodlands Office Park, Western Service Road, Woodmead, Johannesburg. There are 100 free seats available to hear how the fabric of media, communication and marketing is changing from local speakers Steve Song, Shuttleworth Foundation's telecommunications fellow, and Walter Pike, a new marketing consultant and founder of the AAA Digital Marketing Academy. Sign up at http://tedxnewtown.co.za.